Saturday, December 09, 2006

Calypso Grill, Smith's Cove, Rings, and the Christmas BBQ

The madness that was a day and a half in New York now seems like an eternity ago!
The week following, I was wrecked! On the Tuesday night (I'm having to think back now!) we were invited over the road to Justin and Cara's, friends of ours who have moved into the new part of our estate, for dinner. On the Thursday, Jill spent the afternoon with some of the girls on the beach, topping up her tan. Dec's girlfiend Regina was due to fly home to Ireland on the Saturday, so we all went out for dinner on Friday night to Calypso Grill, a really nice restaurant down in West Bay, on the North Sound, in a small cove where the waves lap against the edge of the restaurant. Quite nice!
Afterwards we all went do the Ritz where we met up with a few more people, downed some of their legendary mojitos, took some naff shots by the huge Christmas tree in the lobby, and then all headed to the Next Level night club where we danced until the death (take note of the rather drunken photos on Flickr!).
Nursing bad hangovers on Saturday morning, we dragged ourselves out of bed to meet Dec and Regina in the Triple Crown for brunch (which went down an absolute treat). The weather looked good so we said we'd head to the beach. Dec and reg suggested Smith's Cove (check out Orlando Bloom's new film Haven for a good view of Smith's Cove), so we grabbed our gear and headed down. A few phone calls later, there was a big crowd of us on the beach, snorkelling and playing football (dont worry, I didnt embarass myself by partaking!). Myself, Murph, and Jimmy bailed out for an hour to go to the pub to watch the second half of the Leinster-Ulster game (awful match by the way). On the way back we picked up a couple of slabs of beer, whilst the guys on the beach ordered pizza to be delivered to our picnic table by the shore! We then just had a few relaxing beers over pizza, listening to music and playing charades etc whilst the sun went down.
Last weekend was the annual Jazz Festival, with Natalie Cole headling on the Saturday night. We had orinally planned to get tickets, but Tim and Lainey, two of our friends, have an apartment that overlooks where the stage was, so we all went round to their son Saturday night, and sat out the back drinking wine, and watching the gig. Lovely evening, but was shattered by midnight, so early night for myself and Jill.
On Sunday we just chilled out by the pool, and then met up with Gavin and Linda in Cracked Conch, a restaurant over in West Bay that overlooks the sea, that only reopened last week after being closed for two years following the Hurricane. It is also a famous dive spot, with a dive shop in the restaurant. Divers walk through the restaurant in their gear to get into the sea, very unusual!
This week was a bit mad again, and marked the real start of Christmas.
Monday night we all went to see Borat, which finally opened in the cinema here only last week.
Verdict: some very very funny sketches, some duds. A bit like an episode of Da Ali G Show.
Wednesday, I went to the Police Commisioner's Ball up in the Ritz as a guest of Digicel. Jill had decided not to come earlier in the week, but changed her mind on Wednesday, too late to get another ticket, but the less said by me about all that the better!
The ball was surreal, a 200 euro a ticket Debs! It kicked off with a champagne reception at 6:30, and was nearly empty by 10:30. Sure enough, our table was the last to leave at 12:30, when I snuck off home. The rest of the lads went on til 3!
On Thursday, Island Companies, who owna bih shopping mall of jewelery stores and duty free stores in George Town, had a "Rotary After Hours", something they do every Christmas. Rotary members are invited down to the mall, which is fenced off, and they have free bars dotted all over the place serving beer, wine, and champagne, with musical entertainment, whilst you shop for duty free stuff at up to half price. Not a bad way to shop!
The place was rammed, so whilst Jill was looking at jewelery, I was able to meet up with some of the lads and have a few beers. Class!
Sure enough, we ended up buying our wedding bands, not what I was expecting to do on a Thursday evening in December, but we found the perfect rings, at am amazing prices, so why not?
Finally, that brings me on to last night, when we hosted a Christmas barbecue in the pool area by our house. About 25 people came over. We had fairy lights around the pool house, with christmas music blasting from the laptop, as I cooked up Burgers, Chicken, Sausages, etc on the bug gas barbecue. We had four huge coolers full of ice, beer, and wine, and went through 4 black sacks of empties! Jill bailed to bed around 2:30, leaving a core group of ten of us to sing until 5 this morning. Again, there are worst things to do on a Friday night in December!
Today is overcast, so the tans wont be great for when we go home on Wednesday, either will the livers! Three more days in work and then we're on a plane home to spend two weeks back in Ireland. Cant wait.
We fly back into Dublin at 4pm next Thursday. Jill's mum is picking her up. I'm going up yo my mum's where my sister Jen is going to meet us with the two boys, Kalvin, and Gavin. We're going out for dinner that night with the rest of the family, and Jill is heading down to Athy with her mum.
On the Friday, myself and Graham are going wedding suit shopping, and then I'm planning to go up to the Step Inn to see the lads (I am including the ladies in that definition) on Friday night for a few pints. Jill and her mum will be heading to Clifden on Friday, followed by myself early Saturay for Gail and Ross's wedding, which will be brilliant. We're all staying down on the Sunday night, and then we drive back to Athy to meet the bishop to go through our planned wedding service. I am staying in my sister Jen's on the Monday night, and then we go for out tastings in the Heritage on the Tuesday, and staying in Athy with Joyce and Robert that night.
I am back up in Dublin on the Wednesday, and off to see Christy Moore with the lads on Thursday night. On Friday myself, Jill, Hubb, and Louise are going to see Snow Patrol in the Point, and then Saturday I'm sure will be spent somewhere in town etc.
Sunday is Christmas Eve, and we'll both be back down in Athy for this, staying on Christmas Day aswell.
We're back in Dublin on Stephen's Day for Christmas dinner with my family, and then I fly out on the first flight on the 27th, with Hubb and Louise in toe. Jill flys out the next day, and that will be Christmas!
Hope to see as many of you as possible over the Christmas. I'll be back on my old mobile, as will Jill. Talk to you all in a few days, in person!

Monday, November 27, 2006

A Bite of the Apple!

Sitting in the airport in Kingston, Jamaica, waiting on my connecting flight to Cayman after two days in New York. Its good to be back in the warm weather, though I'm sad to be saying good bye to New York, my sister, and the lads (I'm including Alex in that!).
Friday, I worked a half day, leaving Cayman just after two, via Fort Lauderdale, to La Guardia, New York. Simon and Johnny had arrived on Wednesday, and Scats flew into JFK about a half hour before I arrived. Jumped into a cab around 9 and made my way into the city.
Its hard to believe that I had forgotten how amazing the view of the skyline is as you come in over the Manhattan bridge at night. The city that is so good they named it twice!
Checked into the Holiday Inn in Downtown, Soho, and found Scats reading a paper in the hotel bar. Hasn’t changed a bit. Great to see him.
We dumped the bags and headed off down the road to Puck Fair, where Fiona used to work. After nearly getting lost, we eventually found Fiona outside the pub. I had been excited all week about seeing Fi as I have only really seen her for one day in the last 8 months, and I may not see her again until the wedding next July. It was great to be able to give her a big hug in person.
Simon, the Weir fella, Weir's sister Rachel, her husband, Weir's mate Tori, and Weir's other sister and cousin were already inside the bar. Great to see the lads aswell. I think I was in the pub 10 seconds before the slagging begun. I hadn’t missed that!
I hadn’t even had a chance to sit down before Fiona started dragging me around the bar to introduce me to all her friends and the staff. First up was the closest barman who insisted that I needed to down a shot of tequila in celebration. I had the distinct feeling that it was going to be a long night!
After a rollercoaster drinking tour of Puck Fair, that lasted about 15 mins, I was able to go back to the table and catch up with everyone.
Many drinks later we all left and headed down to a club that Fiona's boyfriend Joe was DJ'ing in. The big queue outside looked daunting, but sure enough, the velvet rope was lifted, and we slipped in through the back door. Literally! Past the kitchens and toilet before emerging in the basement where Joe was on the decks. Smaller than I expect, but a great guy, as I had been told in advance by many.
Joe organised a table for us in the reserved area, but the condition of getting a table was that you had to buy a bottle of liquor, at 300 dollars a bottle! We ordered a litre of vodka that Joe sorted out for half price. The waiter arrived over with buckets of ice, jugs of juice, red bull, glasses, etc , and what I can only describe as an ornate glass bong!
One of the features of the bar is that you smoke this bong, with a basin of water at the bottom, and a mix of herbs in the top. Having never smoked anything in my life before, I reckoned if I was ever going to smoke anything, it would be this. The verdict: it was like breathing in air through rose petals, jasmine, and other fruity tastes. Not bad. Fiona tried to convince me that it gives you a buzz, but after about 8 or 9 drinks, who can really tell!
Joe got to join for about half an hour during his set, and then we headed off again to another bar, where we nestled in between the front of the bar and the bay window until they stopped serving drinks. Scats and Torri and Si were knocking back "Car Bombs", a cocktail of Guinness and Baileys and Jameson whisky. Nasty. I declined.
By 4:30, we were all wrecked, and so we hit the hay.
Next morning I awoke around 11am with the head spinning. Myself and Scats met up and headed out into Soho to find breakfast. We found brunch. Top notch.
Meanwhile, Johnny and Si were dragging themselves off Rachel's couch with plans to eventually meet us uptown.
An hour shopping in Soho was followed by a short ride uptown to meet the lads on Fifth Avenue. Niall and Alex had just touched down in JFK and were on their way into meet us.
I had a list with me of things to get for Jill on top of my own, and top of the list was a visit to the Abercrombie Store on Fifth. The place was rammed, with loud music, and dimmed lighting adding to the feeling of claustrophobia. The lads decided to wait outside for me as I began my mission. An hour and one thousand dollars later I arrived out to a bunch of not very happy faces, with the exception of Niall and Alex who had just arrived. Niall has a goatee!! What's the story, wasn’t expecting that! The pair of them are so good, they arrived to NYC with a present for me, the new Irish rugby jersey! Top notch!.
Fiona meanwhile was working all day, with plans to meet up with us later.
We tried to go to FAO Schwartz but the queues to get in to the shop went back 3 blocks, so we visited the 24 hour Apple Store beside it, where I had to pick up a few iPod Shuffles. Top notch by the way, they're bloody tiny!
After that we headed for lunch in a sushi restaurant on 4th and 57th and caught up.
I headed out at the end to do another half hour's shopping before, we went on walking tour of the city, with Times Square as our destination; me laden down with shopping bags!
A few pics around Times Square and we were off in a cab to go back to our respective homes to get changed.
Myself, Scats, Niall, and Alex headed down to Ground Zero to check out the remains of the Twin Towers.
After that we headed for dinner, ending up chugging back wine and having a few deep and meaningfuls until 11pm. The three of them headed to meet up with the lads, whilst I hopped in a cab to meet Fiona in Solas, a bar that her friend Sammy owns, he who put Jill up when she was there. Fi was there with Caroline, Sammy's husband.....
Have to go board my flight, will continue later...

Right, Thursday morning and I'm finally finishing this post!
So anyway, we met up in Solas for a few drinks. Caroline is nuts. A lovely girl from Clare, with a heart of gold, but definitely mad. After several introductions to random strangers, we hit the road to meet up with the lads over in the East Village. They were boozing in some packed, dingy looking bar that, quel surprise, Caroline and Fiona knew the owners of. Simon and Caroline got chatting and it turns out that they have many mutual "friends", especially considering that Caroline worked in Lillies back in the days when we all worked in Pod. Scats was more than a little insulted when referred to as a "foetus" by Caroline. She meant something else (I hope), but once it was out, the insult was burnt into Scats' memory and forever he will consider her a C U Next Tuesday.
Around 2am, myself, Fi, and Caroline hit the road again, back to Puck Fair, where Joe was DJ'ing. Again, an introduction of the bar and waiting staff ensued, as we settled down to a few pints. At 4am, the music stopped, the bar closed, and people started to pack into the pub!
Surely that isnt right? Well, turns out that Puck Fair is the local after hours spot for most of the local bar staff, cops, etc. We all bailed downstairs where another DJ had started playing, and the Guinness was flowing. Many drunken chats later, thankfully joined by Joe (I finally got a chance to have a decent, if not drunken chat with him), my impending return flight began to weigh on my mind, so we hit the road back to my hotel, where I had to give Fi some of the gifts I had brought for her. It was twenty to seven in the morning, the hotel bar had just reopened, and I was full of spirit to start drinking again. In an ironic twist, Fiona advised me to go to bed. Tables turned! I said my goodbyes, and complied in about 30 seconds
9:30, I was up packing. Not watching the match as I was meant to, but slowly filling my suitcase to catch a cab at 11:30. I headed firstly up to Scats to say goodbye, finding him in as much a heap, but with a towel stuffed down his hotel room toilet. I shouldnt ask!
No queues at the airport, boarded a 747 for Jamaica, nice three and a half hour flight, with a fairly nifty turnaround and back in Cayman by 8:30, wrecked.
Would I do it again? Bloody sure I would.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


22-6! First South Africa, then Australia, who's next? Pacific Islands, thats who.
Ah well, two out of the three southern hemisphere teams in one week aint bad.
Great match this morning, but what made it even better was watching it on the couch knowing it was 26 degrees outside (I know, cold by Cayman standards) whilst everyone in Landsdowne Road were freezing their nuts off!
Last night was the closing ceremony of Pirates Week. The centre of George Town was closed off to traffic, you could buy food and beer on the streets, there was a big stage set up beside Breezes, looking out at the bay, with a Caribbean band playing all night. 20 of us met up at 7:30 for dinner in Paradise Grill, watching the fireworks kick off at 8pm. After dinner, we headed backstage to the Digicel tent where, in true Irish tradition, we drunk the private bar dry (5 mins before the bar was due to close we literally bought everything they had left, including half a bottle of vodka and rum). Soon enough we were the only people left in George Town, but still thirsty at 1 in the morning, so we all headed back to ours for a party until 4 in the morning.
Sensing the inevitable yesterday afternoon, myself and Jill had cleaned the condo from top to bottom, stocked up the fridge with beer and wine, and had gone out and purchased our Christmas tree and lights. I know, only the 18th of November, but the actual tree we bought was the last one that the shop had left, we had to buy the display one! Christmas starts early around here!
Anyway, we dragged ourselves out of bed to watch the Australia game at 10 this morning, and are off to see Casino Royale tonight.
Next week I'm of to NYC, so will have an updated blog in about a week and half.
Few musical interludes now:
Killers: Sam's Town, still one of the album's of the year. Brilliant.
Faithless's new album: first listen suggests it is very good, some great songs, more rounded than their last album, but not perhaps as good as Outrospective.
U2's new Singles album: Two new songs, Window in the Skies definitely the better of the two. A great song.
The Beatles: Love album (the soundtrack to the new Cirque de Soleil Vegas show that pulls together a wide variety of classic Beatles song, using the original Abbey Road master tapes, mixing some songs in together to go with the lavish stage production). Excellent stuff. Only a few songs sound different, and not by much, but if you press play on track one, and let it just play through, it's excellent.
Damien Rice: 9. Slow burner, but a brilliant follow up to O. Track 6 is particularly brilliant and upbeat. First two songs are gems. Give it a few listens and it will really grow.

Rafter for now. Home in three and a half weeks. My nephew Gavin spoke to me on the phone during the week, have never heard him "speak" before. Looking forward to getting home for a few weeks, but first have to go to New York, see Fi and the lads, shop, and generally have a great weekend. Here's hoping anyway......


22-6! First South Africa, then Australia, who's next? Pacific Islands, thats who.
Ah well, two out of the three southern hemisphere teams in one week aint bad.
Great match this morning, but what made it even better was watching it on the couch knowing it was 26 degrees outside (I know, cold by Cayman standards) whilst everyone in Landsdowne Road were freezing their nuts off!
Last night was the closing ceremony of Pirates Week. The centre of George Town was closed off to traffic, you could buy food and beer on the streets, there was a big stage set up beside Breezes, looking out at the bay, with a Caribbean band playing all night. 20 of us met up at 7:30 for dinner in Paradise Grill, watching the fireworks kick off at 8pm. After dinner, we headed backstage to the Digicel tent where, in true Irish tradition, we drunk the private bar dry (5 mins before the bar was due to close we literally bought everything they had left, including half a bottle of vodka and rum). Soon enough we were the only people left in George Town, but still thirsty at 1 in the morning, so we all headed back to ours for a party until 4 in the morning.
Sensing the inevitable yesterday afternoon, myself and Jill had cleaned the condo from top to bottom, stocked up the fridge with beer and wine, and had gone out and purchased our Christmas tree and lights. I know, only the 18th of November, but the actual tree we bought was the last one that the shop had left, we had to buy the display one! Christmas starts early around here!
Anyway, we dragged ourselves out of bed to watch the Australia game at 10 this morning, and are off to see Casino Royale tonight.
Next week I'm of to NYC, so will have an updated blog in about a week and half.
Few musical interludes now:
Killers: Sam's Town, still one of the album's of the year. Brilliant.
Faithless's new album: first listen suggests it is very good, some great songs, more rounded than their last album, but not perhaps as good as Outrospective.
U2's new Singles album: Two new songs, Window in the Skies definitely the better of the two. A great song.
The Beatles: Love album (the soundtrack to the new Cirque de Soleil Vegas show that pulls together a wide variety of classic Beatles song, using the original Abbey Road master tapes, mixing some songs in together to go with the lavish stage production). Excellent stuff. Only a few songs sound different, and not by much, but if you press play on track one, and let it just play through, it's excellent.
Damien Rice: 9. Slow burner, but a brilliant follow up to O. Track 6 is particularly brilliant and upbeat. First two songs are gems. Give it a few listens and it will really grow.

Rafter for now. Home in three and a half weeks. My nephew Gavin spoke to me on the phone during the week, have never heard him "speak" before. Looking forward to getting home for a few weeks, but first have to go to New York, see Fi and the lads, shop, and generally have a great weekend. Here's hoping anyway......

Thursday, November 16, 2006

Costa Rica

Shortest holiday I've probably ever been on, least amount of alcohol consumed, earliest I have ever been up on a holiday, yet still could be one of the best! Now this is why we moved to the Cayman Islands!
Last Friday Jill packed up the dogs and brought them for the first time (but definitely not the last) to the kennels and we headed off to the airport for our long weekend in Costa Rica (Monday being a bank holiday here). We got off to a bad start, 2 hours queuing at the airport to check in. Wouldnt mind but our queue wasnt that big, but the check in guys, in true Cayman style, just couldnt see what the hurry was (cue Lilt ad...). Plane was due to take off at 8pm. We were handed our boarding cars at 7:50. The check in lady, with a straight face, tells us that boarding is at 7:30. Yeah, right, sure it is. Time for a beer me thinks.....
An hour and a half later we arrive in Costa Rica, San Jose to be precise. Felt strange being in the cool (24 degrees Celsius at night, cold for us....). Half my work were on the flight with us (Amber, her husband, and Chantelle and her husband and their mates), along with plenty of other heads. There was a package holiday vibe to the trip, everyone ordering extra rum punch at 10,000 feet!
Anyway, we picked up our rental, a brand new out of the box Hyundai 4x4, 26 miles on the clock, and headed into the city where we were booked into the Radisson. I've never driven on the right hand side of the road. Its an experience, especially at 11pm at night in a Central American city with a population of millions, that the travel guide suggested had drivers who didnt really obey things like road signs, lanes, and traffic lights!
We ended up getting lost, even though I was following Amber and her crew, but after a few dodgy turns we found the hotel. Nice enough, big room, what can I say, it was 12 at night, bar was closed, no food to be had, so we headed to bed.
Up at 6:30am the next day, breakfast in the room and on the road by 7:30.
We headed out of the city, on the main road up the mountains to Arenal, which is the country's most active volcano, and is located in the Northern Region. We left the motorway after under an hour and were on to side roads winding through the mountain, climbing rapidly through mist and intermittent sunshine. Fabulous views all the way. Without a doubt the most scenic place I have ever been. Lush green fields, rain forest, mountains, lakes, amazing.
After crossing some wide rivers via some very dodgy bridges, being overtaken by mad locals, we arrive in Arenal, two hours earlier than expected!
We checked in and headed to the spa, with two hours to kill before our bus was due to pick us up. The hotel's springs/ resort is at the foot of the volcano with naturally heated rivers, waterfalls, and pool, averaging at 42 degrees. The place is great, kind of kicks the ass off the spa in the Heritage where we are getting married next year. Ah well. We had lunch, took too may photos, and headed back to to hotel to go white water rafting.
We were the only passengers on the mini bus that day as we travelled across the country for an hour and a half to one of the main rafting rivers. The water level was low, but the rapids were there aplenty. We suited up, and bailed into the raft with our instructor behind us, followed by a guy in a canoe behind us and one ahead to check for obstacles.
Great craic, could have been faster, but still great, two and a half hours trailing down a 10 mile stretch of river that cut through the rainforest. In between rapids we were introduced to the bird and animal life all around us, stopping halfway for fresh pineapples and water melons as we dove off the banks and into the rushing water for a swim. Were definitely trying this again!
The photos are courtesy of a photographer who followed in his car and joined us at various points to take photos from the bank.
We dried off and headed back to Arenal, almost running over an Armadillo on the way home (big, slow enough creatures by the way) before capturing sight of the volcano in the dark, with not a cloud in the sky, spewing lava into the air and down the side of the mountain. A once in a lifetime sight!
Back to the hotel for dinner before heading back to the hot springs where we chilled out watching the lava flow, sipping cocktails from chairs in the pool at the pool bar. Very chilled out.
Next morning we were up early (again) to get on the road for Monteverde. It had been a three hour drive to Arenal, but we warned that our next drive would take nearer 4 hours and that the roads were bad. A half hour into it, the tarmac turned into red clay. We slowed down as we curved our way through the mountains and around the Lake. Not too bad we thought, we can do this. Then the road stopped. Like, no more road as you know it. A track of rocks and muck that from 100 metres in the air probably resembled a road, but not up close. We slowed to 20 kph as the 4x4 was put to the test bouncing off boulders and holes in the road. Think the windiest road in the Dublin Wicklow mountains, half the width, with trucks flying at you in the other direction, with vertical cliffs either side, no grip, and large chunks of the road at various bends just missing, long gone into a gorge below. It was a trip! Seriously, brilliant. And this is the main road to get to one of Costa Rica's main tourist attractions!
After a wrong turn onto an even worse road (I still cant believe it was possible), we eventually arrived into Monteverde, a one horse town surrounded by Cloud Forests (rain forests with think vegetation that have clouds or mist all around the place).
We checked into our more rustic lodge, no TV or jacuzzi, unlike the previous night, but at the top of a mountain overlooking the forests all around, with two dogs and a cat who mozied on over to us as we sat out in the morning sun on the grass, surrounded by banana and lemon trees, soaking it all in.
An hour later we arrived by bus to the Cloud Forest for our Canopy Run Tour. We suited up in out boiler gear and hats, and walked into the forest with about 20 other punters (mainly Germans actually, a bit odd!). After brief lesson we were led up to our first run. Basically the forest is traversed by a dozen or so wires elevated 100 metres above the forest floor, some 1/2 a km wide. You are attached via a pulley around your waist and sent off on the wire as gravity does the work taking you whizzing across the roof of the rain forest. The first one was short, a warm up. Jill went ahead of me. I expect to meet the group at the end of the wire, but there was no one there when I got to the other side only one of the staff who immediately put me on another wire back across the forest. Four wires later we took a break. The views are sensational, whizzing through the cloud across vast forest, the adrenaline pumping.
Half way we stopped to try something different. We climbed up a 30m tower and grabbed onto ropes, one at a time, to swing "Tarzan" style, into the forest beyond. Again, great craic!
Then back the canopy rides.
Two hours later we took the helmets off, slowed down the pace, and took a walking tour through the forest, with our feet firmly on the ground. Halfway through the tour, Jill noticed rustling in the trees ahead as we crossed a bridge. Monkeys! There were loads of them. We kept relatively quiet and watched them swing from tree to tree, hooking up with other monkeys. Beats Marlay Park!
After that we headed on home to the lodge where we had a couple of beers out on the porch watching the sun set before heading into town for an authentic meal in a local restaurant.
Asleep by 11!
The next morning we had breakfast and headed back on the road, on our way back to San Jose to catch our flight at 7pm that evening, but not before taking in a fishing village on the pacific side of the country.
The rain began to fall as we approached the city,good timing!
We arrived home at 10:30 Monday night, wrecked, but happy out at a great weekend, only an hour and a half away.
Next stop Jamaica, then Panama, then Cuba. Not a bad way to spend your weekends!
Anyway, back to normal this week. Were at a table quiz in Triple Crown last night, felt like the days in the Bugler with Simon, Dave, and then Simon and Barry. Ah, the old days...
Anyway, off to New York next weekend to see my sis Fi. Johnny Weir, Si, Scats, Niall, and Alex are all going to be there aswell so should be great craic.
Thats all for now. It's Pirates Week here in Cayman this week, which closes with a huge carnival and fireworks display on Saturday. Also a big weekend for rugby, you never know we could be ranked third in the world by Monday! Come on Ireland!

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Poker, Fashion Shows, and Irish people doing what they do best..

Once upon a time Jonathan decided to have a quiet weekend, take it easy, stay in and do some work from home....Yes, you are listening to a fairytale, one I told myself on Friday afternoon, and actually believed!
Friday night, we headed to Aqua Beach for a few quiet pints, meeting up with Gavin, Cormac, and Micheail. Come 11:30 I was happy to go home but no-one else was having any of it. I was dragged off to The Wharf for Boogie Nights (last Friday of the month) where we met up with a bunch of other people, and were served triples by the barman who must have thought he was doing us a favor. No. Within an hour I was on my way to having a hangover the next morning.
Saturday morning, my plans to walk the dogs, get my haircut at 10am, get the shopping etc etc were out the window. The day started at 12:30 in The Triple Crown (Irish bar) where a bunch of the lads were meeting up to get breakfast and watch the Munster game, followed by the Comprimised Rules game against Australia. There was a good crowd of Irish and Ozzies, all just there for the match. No harm having a couple of beers and then heading off! But the the rain came, and boy did it fall! You cant be leaving the pub in torrential rain. Nothing else to do but organise a poker game in the corner of the bar. The rest is history... I was (as usual) defeated in two rounds of Texas Holdum, at which point any plans of going home (in fact a few of us lads had planned to go to the cinema as the girls were all going to the Ritz at 6pm for a charity fashion show) went out the window. By 9pm there were 14 of us in Aqua Beach trying (badly) to play drinking games, singing rebel songs (no one person knew the words to any one song!) and generally annoying the rest of the bar on a quiet Saturday night. After 12 hours of drinking, we all went our separate ways around 1am, myself with Micheail in tow back to mine where Jill arrived back with Micheail's fiancee Sarah, and another Irish girl Vanessa.
As the dogs still hadnt had a walk that evening, I had a bright idea to bring them over to the pool. Two hours later we eventually left the pool (we couldnt leave any earlier as it had started to pour rain, and there was no point in leaving the pool and "getting wet" until the rain stopped!). The dogs were happy out, if not a little wet.
Today was a washout. Worst hangover since I got here. Never drinking again (well at least not until next Saturday when one of the lads is having a big barbecue). but definitely not after that. Oh hang on, off to Costa Rica the week after that, then New York two weeks later, then home to Dublin for Christmas two weeks later, then Hubb & Louise arrive for New Years.....
Ok definitely giving up the drink in mid January.

By the way, were now only 5 hours behind Dublin, at least for the next 6 months. Although Niall calling me at 6:30 on Saturday morning wasn't nearly as funny as he no doubt thought it was!
Big happy birthday to Hubb who hits 30 on Wednesday. Sorry I can't be there to wish you a happy birthday (and anniversary to himself and Louise).
Signing off until next week....

Monday, October 23, 2006


My protestant grandparents are now turning in their graves, and based on my performance last Saturday, my Catholic grandparents are probably doing the same.
If the news hasn't yet filtered back to Ireland, let me be the first to confirm that it is true. Johnny Campbell played bogball on Saturday, all day!
I stupidly said, in conversation a few months ago, being a friendly "up for anything" kind of guy: "GAA? Sure, I'll play, just let me know when it's on and sign me up". Well, I got signed up and Saturday was the day.
Digicel organised a one day GAA football blitz down in the Rugby Club, with 10 teams, and nearly 150 people playing. A good summary of the day is that the winning team did not have a single Irish person playing for them. Needless to say, I wasn't on that winning team!
It all started the weekend before last. Myself and Jill were having a quiet weekend. We'd been out for dinner on Friday night in Copper Falls (thanks Rob, Brian, and Cha for the voucher!) and were having a lazy day at the beach on Saturday. I had been signed up to play for the Digicel GAA team, as we were doing a bit of business with them, and one of their many Irish staff suggested I sign up. Our first practice was on Saturday last. I was on the beach (getting quite burnt as it happens) when I received a call from the lads wondering where I was. Training? Must have slipped my mind.
On Monday morning I was informed that I had to turn up for the Thursday training instead. No problem, put it in the calendar, anything for a bit of craic. Sure its a mixed team, how hard can it be? Very hard, that's how hard!
We (Baraud) signed up two Irish lads to work on our temp team this week, so I persuaded them to come down and join us for training. We ended up doing laps, practicing passes, kicks, you name it. Then we played a match until it got dark. One of the girls broke her bloody foot in the so called "practice" game! By the end of the session, it was pitch black, and I was shattered. I checked my watch back in the car. Only an hour had passed since our arrival!
recuperation came in the form of a barbecue over at Elaine & Jim's that night (Jim's a butcher so loads of top notch meat).
Friday brought the end to a hectic week in work. We recruited 7 accountants to join the temp team in one month, a ridiculously high amount of the one type of background to get jobs for, so I was glad when the day drew to a close with all of them finally placed (including the 2 new Irish lads). I was wrecked. Jill went out with work to Margaritaville with her work crowd, whilst I stayed in, watched a video, and was asleep by 11:30.
Saturday morning I was up at 8 to walk the dogs, in work briefly at 9:30, then picked Paul and John, the new Irish guys, up on the way to the Rugby grounds for the GAA Blitz.
We arrived just after 10 and the first game was in full swing. Early signs of a dull day had disappeared, and the sun was splitting the sky as the temperature rose past 34 degrees.
Our first match was at 10:40. 9 players on each team, 4 women, and 5 men. Women scores counted as double. 10 minutes a side. I started on the bench. Enough said.
Within 5 minutes I was on the pitch with our first "victim" of the day, Dave, having to come off and get sick (he went home soonafter to nurse his hangover). We battled to a 4-0 lead with two mins to go when one of their girls snuck in two points (counting for 4), one after the other.
A draw!
With the sweat dripping, I made my way inside to the club to watch the Leinster- Toulouse game kick off. Got to see the first half before our next game kicked off.
Our early promise (well we didn't lose our first match, so that's promising!) soon vanished as we were faced with a team consisting of four women who played in the GAA league all of last year. We were finished. (Mind you no goals or points were scored by anyone I was marking!)
That first loss required a beer to cheer us up. Jill soon arrived, nursing a bad hangover, with the two dogs in toe.
Daisy was well put out with the crowds, meanwhile Toby was loving it!. Daisy eventually settled. We kind of knew she was comfortable when the commentator asked over the mic for the dog to be removed from the pitch, as Daisy lined up in front of one of the players on the pitch who was trying to take a free. She was determined to beat Toby to that ball!
Toby meanwhile wandered off, watching the second half of the rugby beside two lads for 10 minutes before Jill eventually found him asleep up on the benches in the changing rooms!
Round 3 was soon upon me. A slaughtering. If only they had of started me in that game, it all could have been so different!
By the time the heats were over, we were third from the bottom of ten teams.
Next competition: the boat race! 10 players lined up on the pitch from each team. The challenge: first players downs a bottle of beer, turns it upside down on his head, and the next player in line goes. Finally something we won! The Digicel team came first by miles, and I wasn't benched for this one!
The day got hotter, the dogs more tired, and Jill more hungover (lucky me for not going out the previous night!). I knew things were getting messy when I was asked to keep score and time for the final. Too busy yapping, missed a few points. Sure who's counting?
We went home to shower and came back in, but the day was over for us, we should have never gone home. This player was retired by 10 o'clock. The GAA season starts in January. My name is down. What can I say? A glutton for punishment (and slagging).
Sunday was another beautiful day, but we took it easy, sat around the house for a while after walking the dogs on the beach, I went to the gym, Jill to the pool.
As the day was looking like being another boring Sunday, Jill took a call from Steph from work who invited us down to the beach where her and her husband Lee had moored their boat and were having a barbecue on the sand. The dogs and a cooler of beer and food was packed into the CRV, and on we went to the beach. A very nice way to watch the sun set, diving off the boat, eating BBQ on the shore, throwing stones for the dogs and chilling out drinking a cool beer. The life!
Speaking of which: as its dark here at 6:15 or so now, I have a new alternative to walking the dogs in the evening. Get back from work, over to the pool with a stereo and a beer. Dive into the water with a tennis ball, and throw it from the water around the enclosed pool area for the dogs to run and catch. I swim, drink beer, listen to music, whilst they chase each other for the ball for a half an hour. Sure beats walking them!
Anyway, that's enough typing for one week, more at the weekend.
Hope all is well home. It's my little sis Fi's birthday tomorrow, her first away from home, and I'll miss her for it. Will be seeing her in a month though, in NYC.
I've finally created an account on YouTube, so we'll start posting videos soon.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Lightning, the Wharf, Full Moon, Posh Do, and Lost!

We were too laxy to update the blog last week, my apologies, it will happen again!
Anyone who has seen the most recent photos on Flickr might be wondering what the hell the "lightning struck here" photos are all about! Last Thursday week, it was lashing rain when I was on my way home from work, and there was a thunder storm off in the distance. By the time I got back, the rain had eased, so I persuaded Jill to come with me to the beach with the dogs.
It had stopped raining by the time we got there, so we headed off on our walk as ark crept in.
Halfway through the walk, the thunder had begun to get louder, and it begun drizzling, so we headed back. 5 minutes later it was pouring rain and the lightning was directly above us. We briefly sheltered by the side of the Ritz, before sprinting down the shore, back to the car.
It had been amazing to watch, with the sea lighting up bright as the lightning cracked all around us. The dogs were cowering under a tree as I opened the car, and we breathed a sigh of relied as we headed off home, briefly toying with the idea of staying there and watching the storm.
Anyway, we slowly drove home in the rain, gently turning off the road, into our estate, when out of nowhere, a bolt of lightning struck the road 3 foot in front of the car. I slammed on the brakes as we inhaled the smell of burning tarmac, with debris from a bush beside us flying up in the air in front of us. It is a sobering experience, and it is safe to say that we have a newfound respect for lightning!
Friday night, I brought the staff out to celebrate a very successful month in work, starting in Margeraritaville, and then on to the 70s night in the Wharf, which is a restaurant on the shore, with huge fish (tarpoons) swimming all around the edge. I eventually persuaded Jill to join us, and we all ended up fairly wonky, dancing to Abba until the bar closed at 2:30!
The weekend was mainly spent indoors as it was dull and raining most of the time.
This week has flown in, with the (sad) highlight of the week being the start of the new series of Lost on wednesday. A bit of an eye opener, and one to watch out for!
Friday was full moon, so we headed down to Calico Jacks, the main beach bar, for the Full Moon Party. They brought in extra benches on the beach, and set up a dancefloor with an elevated DJ box, and two extra temporary bars. Sure enough it was a good night, with most of Grand Cayman out under the moon.
After a bright start yesterday morning, the afternoon turned grey. The beginning of the third dull weekend in a row (its still 30 degrees mind you!).
Last night, the chairman of the board of governors in Jill's school held a party in his house for all of the staff and their partners. Posh doesnt begin to describe it. Gorgeous big house up by the yacht club, with a huge pool, catering by Papagallos, one of the island's poshest restaurants, waiter service, and a bar in the corner. Jill's workmates are not what you would expect from teachers, more like a bunch of college girls out on a night out. What should have been a stuffy, formal, event turned out to be a good night. Jill helped the rest of the teachers with their bar tasting excursion, whilst I jawed the ear off Father Mike, the head of the Catholic Church in Cayman, and the Head of the Drug Squad, who is married to one of Jill's workmates.
We've organised a game of golf for next month!
Anyway, good weekend, different from the norm. Back on the couch today as its been raining all day. Here's hoping this is nearly the end of the rainy season. Roll on November!
Speaking of which, we're off to Costa Rica for the holiday weekend in early November, and I should be heading to New York at the end of the month to see Fiona, and meet up with Si and the Weir fella.
Next thing you know we'll be home!!
Apologies to anyone who has emailed me who I havent replied to. I will do better in future!

Sunday, September 24, 2006

30th Birthdays, Patients, and German Cuisine!

Well Orlando has left our shores, and life has returned to normal! ;)
We were well impressed to find him sitting in front of us last Friday in the Ritz, and sure enough the girls kept having to get up and walk in front of his table, and back again, and up again, and back again. I'm sure Orlando was as impressed as we were.
Sure enough we were the last to leave the Hotel Bar that night, resulting in some much needed sleep on Saturday!
On the beach later that day with the dogs we were able to see Orlando and his party on one of the balconies of the Ritz overlooking the water where we were swimming with the dogs as the sun set and a thunder storm rolled on by in the distance. Sure enough we had a quiet night in after that, and were never more glad to have had an alcohol free night when the phone rung at 8 oclock the next morning with some shocking news. Poor Charlotte, who has been staying with us for two weeks with the lads, had been admitted to hospital in critical condition with Bacterial Meningitis. Our thoughts were with Ned and Avril and everyone back in Athy as we waited on the news that eventually came early Monday to say she was going to be OK. Some end to your holiday in the Caribbean after having your camera chewed by our mutts, getting severely sunburnt, only to come back home and end up critical four days later. We wish Charlotte a speedy recovery!
This week was a busy week for TV here, with the new seasons of CSI, CSI Miami, Grey's Anatomy, and Desperate Housewives. Roll on Lost on Thursday week! Very sad I know, but you gotta love the TV!
Anyway, Jill taught her first full mainstream class this week, an opportunity she would never of had back home, and Baraud is on its way to having its best month in over two years. A good week in work for both of us.
Friday was Niall's 30th Birthday back home, which was celebrated last night in his house with all of our friends. We were never more homesick! Hope everyone had a great time, but by the sounds of things when we received a call from Dave last night, everyone was well on and the karaoke was in full swing. Happy 30th Niall!
We had our own 30th celebrations here for Gavin Tobin last night. A bus picked up 18 of us from the Hard Rock Cafe at 5:30 yesterday to bring us over to the East side of the island for a unique culinary experience! We were treated to a feast of food by a German chef who cooks you up a meal of his choice (no menu here) on his barbecue while you sit in his overgrown back garden, with candle lights, and a roaring log fire, drinking your own wine and beer as himself and his son serve up 5/6 courses of delicious food. At the end of it all, you contribute however much you think it was worth into the "donations" bowl. A visit to the bathroom was a trip as you walked through the garden, down the side of his house, up the stairs into his living room, through his office and into his bedroom where you were able to use the en-suite. Very unique but also a great night!
With plenty of wine and food in our bellies we made our way back into town to find most bars shutting. Sure enough Fidels, the Irish bar, was still serving, so we ordered a few rounds and eventually left an hour later after some Karaoke and dancing.
Jill invited the pub back to ours, and unlike what happens in Ireland, they all came!
A bus brought us all back and we raided the fridge of every beer and bottle of wine, listening to music, talking crap, and dancing until the neighbours eventually knocked on our door to complain, and the party began to wind down.
A late night and too much drinking led us to miss the Ryder Cup coverage this morning, aftr tuning in for the last two days. Very very annoyed that I missed it as it sounded like it was amazing. My bro Graham has been there for the last three days, along with Jill's mum who was marshalling, and Niall I belive was there all day Friday. To all of ye others who were there, hope you enjoyed it, and yes I am sick with envy!.
A few music and visual tips: Downloaded Scissor Sisters' new album, just OK, new Basement Jaxx album has some gems, but plenty of duds, Kasabian's album is very good, Kill Bill Soundtrack is one worth re-visiting. Watched United 93 and March of the Penquins. Interesting. I'd recommend Luck Number Slevin, lots of bad reviews, but its a god film with plenty of twists.
Last but not least, our flights are booked home for the 14th, in time for Gail and Ross's wedding. I leave on th 27th, Jill on the 28th, and we're back in July, Jill on the 8th, myself on the 13th, in time for our respective hen and stag nights the weekend before the wedding!
Countdown has begun in earnest, for what will hopefully be a great day. It wont be for lack of planning on Jill's behalf. Thanks to Simon for pulling two treats out of the bag this week regarding the wedding. You will all find out more next year!
Also, my potential return next month is now definitely off. Ah well, not long to go anyway.
Mick and Tanya may be coming in November, which will be brilliant, so come on the rest of you, there are plenty of more dates!!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Strife Skippy, there's a shark in the water!

So there I am walking the dogs this morning.  Its just after 6:30am, lovely sunrise, 30 degrees, but still cool enough to be comfortable.  Its a Friday, so the spririts are up, everyone on the beach in good form, when a guy jogs past and warns me to keep the dogs out of the water.  Why?  'Cos there's a 4 foot baby hammerhead shark just 15 metres from the shore, swimming along like no one is looking, minding his own business, just chilling as he cruises down the coast.  Two dorsal fins popping out, with a hige ripple following him.
Now thats what I'm talking about!
Orlando Bloom arrives in Cayman today for the premiere of his new film Haven tomorrow.  He's staying in the Ritz tonight, so thats where were off to now.  God bless Jill, she's still convinced that maybe he is the man for her.  Dave and Karen may need to talk to the Heritage about a refund for next year!!!!! 

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Mudslides, Jolly Roger, and more Mudslides...

Another busy week of eating out and entertaining. We decided on Thursday to get some dinner in George Town, so the 5 of us piled into the jeep and went in search of some food. Everywhere was pretty quiet so we settled on Harveys Grill. Nice food but way overpriced with portions too small. Lesson learned, so we bailed on to Coconut Joes (tackier tourist spot, but cool enough) where we found the island's nicest mudslides. So we sampled, and we sampled some more, and let Rob drive us home. Late night for a school night!
Friday night was a mad rush down to GT for 5:15 to board the Jolly Roger, an "authentic pirate ship that brings you across the bay and back", or in other words a booze cruise! 28 quid for all you can eat and drink for three hours. Great craic!
Afterwards we all went back to Reef Grill where we met up with the gang, and then on to the Ritz for champagne and cocktails. Needless to say we were all well on by then. Brian became "tired", Charlotte had the urge to dance, a lot ,and Jill jawed the ear off everyone she could find (or so she claims). I, of course, was no doubt very civil and polite and well behaved!
Back home at around 1:30 where the lads all decided to go swimming in the pool. Pool and drink= bad idea!
Yesterday we were all wrecked, so the most we got up to was some snorkelling, but we drove over to the other side of the island last night to meet up with a group of friends to go for a night kayak across the bay near Rum Point.
Apparently the bay here is one of only a handful of bays in the world that has natural all year round luminescence. Basically, everything glows in the dark! The fish, your oar, your hand in the water. Its pretty damn cool. Being able to see fish dart under the water, glowing bright yellow and green, is something to see. It was a 4 and half mile round trip in twin kayaks with 18 of us under the stars in thirty degree heat, with a comfortable breeze. A cool way to spend an alcohol free Saturday night. ( I only wish I knew about it when Graham and Ais were here. Hubb and Louise be prepared for some rowing!
We had a couple of drinks and some food out in Cayman Kai, where the kayaks leave from, and were home by 11:30, wrecked tired!
Anyway, off now to the beach to get some Waverunners and mess about. Planning a roast dinner tonight and will take it easy with a video.
All going to plan, we'll head for dinner tomorrow night in the Ritz, followed by a movie on the giant outdoor screen.
Is life good? Its not bad....
BTW, working on a deal in work that could possibly see me back in Ireland for a week or two. I'll say nothing til I know more!
For the rest of you who are still unsure about coming over, BA are having a flight sale if you travel before the end of March, two people can book for Cayman for between 1200 and 1300 euros (I assume Christmas is excluded). Orlando Bloom's new film is premiering here next Saturday night, which he filmed on the island last year. Check out the trailer for a taste of what Grand Cayman really looks like:
If that doesnt persuade you to book a flight, you'll never come!
See you in Cayman soon..

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Hurricanes, Boxes, Cars, and Visitors

After all our preparation last week and our excited anticipation of Hurricane Ernesto, we were let down with not even a rain shower!
Ernesto headed North towards the Florida Keys before disappearing into merely a Depression!
Cayman was spared once again and life returned to normal!
On Monday we finally got the call that we have been waiting 13 weeks for, our stuff arrived!!!
Turns out the 8 boxes were completely unneccesary but still, its great to have all of our picture frames etc. Also, I have my golf clubs at last so I can begin digging up the greens here!
Jill started work on Tuesday, preceeded by a "get to know you" night on Monday in Sunset House. Her work mates are all cool, very chilled out. She started on Tuesday morn and so far absolutely loves it, but more from her later.
We spent most evenings viewing cars, settling finally on a 4 door Civic (4 wheel drive for some reason) which I'll pick up tomorrow.
Charlotte arrived safe and sound on Tuesday evening, so we bought her down to Sunset House on Tues, Calico Jacks Beach Bar on Wedesday, and chez Campbell Chambers for Pizza on Thursday. Jill was complaining that Charlotte had a better tan after 2 days than she has got in 2 months!
The lads arrived on Friday night, but Brian's bags were missing (we got them Saturday though). After a run on the beach we all went down to Calico Jacks on Friday night, bumping into a big gang (Elaine, Jim, Cormac, Micheail, Sarah, Sweaty Simon, Campbell, and the Zimbabwean lads. Several buckets of beer later, we had all chilled into Cayman mode!
Saturday we headed over to Rum Point, bringing the thunder and rain with us, so we settled for Mudslides and Food in Over the Edge before heading on home.
We took it easy last night and headed to Eats Cafe for some food, where Brian was ID'd and ended up having to drink Sprite (very humorous). After we all ate far too much, we headed home to watch a video. I failed at that and went to bed at 10pm (some of us were up for work at 7:30am on Saturday so I was understabdably tired!!).
I was woken this morning at 7am by the dogs (as usual) looking to get out. It was gloriously sunny. I went back to bed. I was woken again at 11am by a massive thunderclap, looking out to see the pouring rain. Sure enough Brian and Charlotte were out by the pool where they had been all morning, and stayed out during the pouring rain (see Brian's pool dive from the piled deck chairs in Flickr).
It was sunny half an hour later so we headed off for our boat trip to Stingray City.
We packed the beer and food, slapped on the suntan, and headed out with a bunch of other tourists to 2 snorkel sites and the sandbar where the stingrays come to feed.
In the second snorkel site we managed to see two moray eels, and one nurse sharks. Pretty cool as they swam around us, being fed by the guys running the boat.
The sandbar was great craic with the stingrays as Jill burst into tears and jumped into my arms asking to be sent back to the boat after the first stingray swam by her, brushing her leg.
15 mins later she was holding the damn things!
After three hours of good craic we were home, playing tennis until another thunderstorm blew in.
Back on the couch now after a feast of chicken wings for dinner.
Good weekend, too short as usual, back to work for myself and Jill in the morning, whilst the lads continue their Caribbean holiday!

Monday, August 28, 2006

All for nothing

Just a quick update to say all is fine, beautiful morning here in Cayman, the storm took a turn on Saturday night and is currently over Eastern Cuba, heading towards the Florida Keys.
Bit of a disappointment as we were all stocked up, but should be counting our blessings!
Charlotte arrives tomorrow and Rob and Brian arrive Friday, so delighted for all three of them that they wont be arriving in a Hurricane!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Ernesto is a coming!

Day 65 in the Big Brother

Well, its official, the first Hurricane of the season is on its way.
Tropical Storm Ernesto is expected to be Hurricane Ernesto when it hits the Caymans on Monday morning (afternoon back in Dublin). It will probably be no more than a Category 1 (wind speeds of between 75 and 110 mph), but sure enough the supermarkets were rammed today as people panic shopped for hurricane supplies, including us! So we now have our hurricane box fully stocked with food, water, batteries, lamps, matches, fuel etc etc etc. I think we could last a nuclear winter with what we have upstairs!
Its been an expensive week, after Daisy developed a choking kind of cough that had us worried. 700 euros of vet bills later has us shocked, and they're still not sure what is wrong with us, but as she is on 6 different types of meds, I think she is dosed up for every possible disease under the sun at this stage.
The thoughts of having to pay for a new car tomorrow for Jill has us planning a very very quiet weekend this weekend!!
Heading out now for some sushi, followed by a few bottles of vino on the couch!
Ernesto may be on the horizon, but instead of worried, we have to admit to being slightly excited at the thoughts of our first hurricane, mainly of course because it will (hopefully) be the mildest kind!! But having to issue alerts to all our 100 temp staff, and gather everyone's contact details in case of emergency is a sobering experience. Clients canceled interviews, IT training classes have been cancelled and the whole Island anxiously awaits Ernesto. Not the irish though who are stocking up on booze and planning parties for Sunday night in anticipation of a day off work on Monday. If you dont hear from us by Tuesday, we've been hit, send a boat!! Love J&J. BTW,we'll be sure to get some photos!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Sore heads!

On the couch today, woke up at 1pm, the latest start here yet!. Sore heads today so we're not up to much. Going to sit here, watch a few movies, get some take out, and not worry about getting a tan this weekend!
It all started on Friday you see. I went out after work to the opening of some new bar/ restaurant in town, called The Bistro. Few glasses of champagne, some beer, then back to the house to walk the dogs and take a shower. Myself and Jill then went out to Fidels, one of local Irish boozers, for dinner. Top notch Beef & Guinness pie! We met up with Gav, Linda, and Cormac, and made our way into Sapphire, a cocktail bar beside Fidels that we were told was meant to be one of the top rated cocktail bars in the world. Its a square room with some nice furnishings, soft lighting, and a bar. I have seen better!
Anyway, the mojitos were pretty good, but the bar service was very slow as the bar staff were taking liberties with their flairing skills, so we decided it would be quicker for everyone to just order some champagne, as you do.
Then on to the Ritz where we met up with Sammy and Dennis, and bumped into Simon (he of the pools of sweat) and a few others. Good craic had by all, and needless to say that we were the last to leave. Decided to give the club a miss, and went on home.
Bit of a lazy day yesterday, did some shopping, went to the gym, etc etc.
Was feeling a bit tired ater Friday so we said we'd take it easy last night. The Triple Crown (another Irish bar) were having their first birthday party with a Karaoke night, the rugby club were having a School Disco night, and there were a few parties happening, so we said to hell with it, we'd just met up with Gav and Linda, get some food, and head home.
Meanwhile, a couple of people had called to say they were going to someone's birthday party in Ernestos, the cuban restaurant beside our house, so we said we might as well drop in for one drink on the way home at 10 oclock.
So we did, and eight hours later, we went to bed. Some long drink!
Ernestos was fairly busy, but teh bar staff were unreal, taking orders off everyone, then farting around behind the bar and serving no-one. We ordered the same round off four different people, and didnt get a drink for 45 minutes! Then slowly but surely, as the bar emptied out, the rest of our drinks began to come! So what are you going to do, you cant very well leave the there!
So then we decided to head on to a party with Debbie and Craig, as it was only up the road.
So back to ours for a quick drink, then on to the party down in Snug Harbour (up the road by the canal). When we arrived, we found everyone flocking towards us. Very friendly, we thought, until we realised that there was no drink left in the house, and ours was the only drink available. So we politely said hello and made sure not to let the drink out of sight. When all was drunk, we headed home, Craig and Debbie in tow to "ring a cab" from outs.
Anyway, several hours later, the sun was up, and eventually the cab was called. Daisy and Toby thought all their christmases had come at once with all the attention they were given by their new friends! Even when we woke at 1 today, Toby barely stirred from downstairs, and still looks like he is hungover!
A quick dip in the sea was required by the four of us, dogs included, and Jill has headed back to bed.
That, as they say, is that. No lounging on the beach this weekend. So much for taking it easy!
Have to pick someone up from the airport tonight, my fourth visit to the airport in one week! Had to pick up a lad from Ireland who took a job with us as a temp, thanks to Cep in Accreate, and then had to pick two Philippno accountants during the week who also joined us. Back tomorrow to pick up an Aussie couple. Just have to find jobs for them all now!
Have posted some new photos, including some from last weekend when we went to District 6 with Colleen and Elaine after Aqua Beach.
Have to bring my camera with me everywhere for the next week as I've to take some photos of "Cayman Life" for our new company web site, which hopefully will be up and running in the next two weeks, so I'll make sure to post them on Flickr in advance.
Few quick hellos, especially to Graham and Ais who celebrated their wedding anniversary this week! My sis is coming home from New York in two weeks, and no doubt will have left Ireland again by the time I get home for Christmas! Happy Birthday to Louise McCann (yes, that is her name now), who turns 30 today, and who is spending it in style down in Marbella; and to Baz who turns 30 on Tuesday. We're all getting old! Hello to Col and Ann who made us sick with jealousy by texting us from Snow Patrol in Marlay Park yesterday. If anyone was at Faithless during the week, let me know what it was like, and if anyone is going to see Radiohead or Daft Punk next week, I am very jealous.
Also, well done to Rob Chambers who became a dad this week with the addition of a new puppy to the Castlemitchell household, a jack russel that he has named Cooper, after the Red Mini Cooper that I am still trying to sell (thanks and praise to Jay who has to deal with all the time wasters who seem to be the only people calling about it).
And on a final note, congrats to Darren Clifford, who I havent seen in years, but I believe himself and Catriona had a baby boy this week.
Right, I'm definitely going now, ratfter!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Check this out

Was just sent this cool clip from YouTube, check it out.
Its not a bad song either, best to view with sound, if you can!


Saturday, August 12, 2006

The morning after

So ayway, out last night for a few drinks in Aqua Beach with Cormac, Gav, Elaine, Jim, Elaine, and Colleen.  There til the death, then on to District 6, the nightclub beside us.  We went for one, stayed for three, and then Jill told the whole club that they were invited back to ours for a party.  I quickly got us out of there.  A nice gesture, but we were both wrecked.  
So we got home to the dogs around 3:30am to find that they had killed a frog in the living room!  At least they're keeping the vermin at bay!  I didn even have to train them for that one!
Up this morn at 9:30am for a sobering walk on the beach and a swim.  Taking it easy tonight, gotta enjoy the weekend!
A big shout out to Alex Richardson (nee Moran)! who turns 29 today.  Happy Birthday Al!
Watch out for the Cayman Net News ( on Monday, as I have another fabulous article in the Business section. In fact I'll have one every week from now on.  They are that starved for news!!
Bought the paper one day last week and it was only 16 pages long!
Hopefully we'll have a quiet couple of weeks ahead as Robbie, Brian, and Charlotte arrive around the 30th, and Fiona and Joe called us last night to say that they're going to see if they can drop in to the Caymans the preceeding week on their way home from New York.  Hopefully it all works out well.
Micka and Tanya might also be dropping off in mid/late September, and the Carroll fella is still talking of a trip on the way back from Vegas.  Simon, if its any incentive, Aqua Beach on a Friday night is a meat market, as is District 6.  You'll fit right in! 

Thursday, August 10, 2006

On our way out

Just heading out to the local steak house for a bit to eat on my birthday!
Quiet one so far, but woke up this morning to plenty of cool gifts from her goodself: A new Thomas Pink Shirt, Al Gore's new book (yes, I am a bore), a really cool book on the Hurricane here 2 years ago, and best of all, silver cufflinks from Tiffanys!  Not bad for 29!
Anyway, thanks to all who mailed and texted me today with best wishes, especially the crew from Accreate!  Its good to hear from home on days like this.  My mum and siste Jen were particularly on the ball with their texts at 4:30 this morning, Cayman time!!
The wedding party to be were just great too, with not a single call, text, or mail from any of them, including my best man!!! We will be revising the invite list accordingly!
Anyway, had plans to go for a moon lit kayaking trip on Saturday but as there was 15 of us, we cant get a booking til September, so just going to go out on the rip in Aqua Beach tomorow.
Anyway, mu steak awaits, talk soon!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Her Week

Her Week.....
Well I have safely returned from New York!! After a close call at the airport (problems with paper work etc) they eventually let me on the plane... with only 20 minutes to go! A hectic end to a hectic week!
After arriving last Saturday afternoon in blistering heat, I took a cab into the soho area to meet Fiona and Joe where we went for some food and beers before they both headed off to work. I settled in to the (gorgeous) apartment belonging to a friend of Fi's, got ready and headed out on my first night in New York. Off I wnt to Puck Fair, where Fiona works, and settled happily at a table beside Joe in the dj box. Fiona looked after me like the princess that I am, sending up drinks all night, as well as a fab dinner! Needless to say i consumed a lot of alcohol and the story goes that at six o' clock in the morning I was waving around a dollar bill looking for another drink before I fell off a bar stool!! Sore heads all round the next day, as although I went (or was sent to) bed at this stage, the others stayed drinking til 9.30 am!! So it was a quiet day on sunday followed by two days at the beach to try and escape the heat. Trust me to arrive in New York in the middle of the worst heatwave they have ever experienced!
Monday night we headed to one of the many fab parks to watch an outdoor movie followed by a trip to time square. What a place - so many lights and so much to take in!
Tuesday night Fi and i went to watch Joe dj while we drank jugs of sangria, in between going outside to try and catch a glimpse of Jude Law who was filming in a store next door!
Wednesday i went shopping around seaport where I was staying, followed by a harbour cruise. This was really cool as the captain invited me to sit in his cabin, which was air conditioned, cos i was the first person to go up on the deck! Even out on the water the heat was too intense.
Thursday was spent on 5th avenue shopping up a storm. Sacs, Jimmy Choo, Tiffany's and the apple store were all paid a visit, mostly just to look not spend!
That night I went out with Fiona's flatmate Dave, as she was working. Some of you may not appreciate this but we ended up in Bungalow 8, where the rope was pulled across for us and we skipped the line!!! Very cool! Even fewer of you will appreciate this but the only celeb I managed to see, or more to the point recognised, was 'Vince' from entourage. So I finally spotted a celeb! Of course, not knowing when to quit, I got home very late and woke up with an even sorer head than sunday morning. (with more bruises so I can only assume more falling off bar stools!)
Needless to say Friday was a very quiet day and I arrived home needing some R n' R yesterday, grateful to be back with Johnny and the dogs and in the slower pace of Cayman. Once i unpacked we headed out for some grub and then a lovely day at the beach followed by a drive across the Island to meet up with some friends for some dinner and drinks beside the water.... cayman living at its best! Many thanks to Fiona and Joe (who's great by the way!) for minding me so well, hopefully we can return the favour soon!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Cayman Apples

Another week gone, and the time is flying. Jill left for New York this morning where she's going to be staying with Fiona for a week. She'll be detoxing until October knowing Fi! And the credit card will be suffering for a longer time afterward. The Big Apple, what I wouldnt give to be going with her. Last time I was there was with one Mr Cooney back in 2000 after we decided one drunken night up in Club 92 that we'd try New York for New Years for a change, and two weeks later we were there, in minus 8 degrees weather, with a blizzard that shut 5th Avenue. Some craic!
New York in the summer, I'll have to get to see it some day.
Anyhoo.....we picked up the new car on Monday (sorry, no photos yet, Jill has taken the camera to New York), so were finally back to right hand drive, although itsfunny how used you get to driving on the passenger side!
Busy week in work, a lot done, but planning to spend the next week getting our marketing efforts sorted out. We've an article appearing in the papers tomorrow from the Cayman Net News (, officially its Monday's edition, in the business section, not sure if they'll put the pictures on line, but check it out just in case. Very cheesy.
We ate out most nights this week, its just so hard not to! You cant be cooking for yourself around here, apart from Wednesday when a meeting with my boss ran til 11pm and Jill had to throw my dinner away! Ah well.....
Bad news on the other car front when Jay informed us that our buyer for the Mini fell through as she couldnt get the finance, so its still on the market...any takers??? Talk to Jay if you're interested, when he gets back from hols next week.
The dogs have found themselves a new sport, chasing crabs! Every night when I take them for a walk on the beach, its ususally sunset, which is when the crabs seem to get going (only little white fellas, nothing too big), and they dig little holes all by the shoreline and up on the beach.
Well the other night there was more than usual, and the dogs were well wide to it, they were hunting in the dark up and down the beach, digging into holes, chasing the crabs into the water, trying to catch them. Great craic to watch, so they're hooked now, every night and morning looking for them. Beats chasing cats anyway!
Decided we're buying a boat this week (will probably never happen but its good to have dreams!). You can pick up a decent sized second hand one for 15 grand or so, so if we can get another couple to go in on it with us were laughing! Sure we're on an island, you need a boat surely, dont you?
Took it easy last night as we were up at 6 this morn to go the airport, found myself a great spot for breakfast on the way back, and old syle English caf and bakery that do propr frys. Had myself a brown bap with proper sausages, a fried egg, mayo and ketchup, and a cup of proper tea. Top notch, I will be back!
Looked into buying a kayak today (you see this boat lark has gone to my head), but they're 600 lids! Decided to try renting one instead to see if I like it. Cost me 12 quid for an hour and it was boring. Another 588 quid saved!
Heading out for a few pints with the lads tonight, with the mrs away and all! Would be a shame not to.
Anyway, Jill will update with her NYC hol tales next week.
Until then....

By the way, I have pulished a video of the bus last week from the pub crawl here:
Quite painful, you really had to be there.....

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Frogs, Pub Crawls, Sushi, and CRVs

So there we are, last Sunday evening, sitting on he couch, when Jill says: "Whats that on the curtain?" "Its just a tag", says I. "No, I think its a frog" says Jill. Sure enough, there was a frog clinging to the top of our curtain! Not something you see every day back home! Nearly as weird as a couple of weeks ago when I had to swerve on the road to avoid a crab! Or walking back from the bank the other day walking through a gathering of three hens! In the middle of town! It takes a bit of getting used to around here.
Anyway, our inclination to cook our own food is waning! Made one meal this week and ate out the rest of the week. Sure why wouldnt you? The one time I tried to buy fish in the supermarket, the guy behind the counter walks out and brings me on a tour of the shop showing me witch seasoning, vegetables, and spices to buy to make my fish taste great. I had a former chef as a personal shopper in the equivalent of the local Tesco!
On Friday we bought a car! A new CRV (well 1996) in aqua marine blue (Jill hates the colour). Have to pick it up, and pay for it, tomorrow.
Friday night we decided to go posh and got dressed up to go to the Ritz Carlton for cocktails, the "place to be seen on a Friday night", alledgedly.
Very posh, apparently the rooms start at $800 a night for a small room, corporate rate! We ordered a bottle of Veuve Rose Champagne with Sushi for two and sat our wannabe asses outside overlooking the pool and golf course. Hubb and Louise, you will love this place when you arrive, right up your street! Graham and Ais, you missed out, we should have gone to the Ritz instead of Aqua Beach!
Saturday consisted of a walk on the beach with the dogs, a half hour in the pool beside us followed by breakfast in Cimboco's restaurant (fabulous breakkie) to line our stomach for the day ahead.
One of the lads here, Martin, from Cork, who works in UBS is leaving the island next week to go to Dubai, so as a send off, 32 of us met up in the Hard Rock Cafe in George Town where we boarded a mini bus (a very mini bus that didnt quite hold us all!) and proceeded on a pub crawl of every local bar on the island from the far North side back to the South side and back into town. We had a kitty of two grand running, which was gone by 11! Some craic with selected Gift Grubs and Rebel songs playing in the bus between each pub.
First bar was "The Country & Western", where women ordinarily do not go! Very backward! On then to a similar local Caymanian boozer where they handed out free cups of chicken soup! (I still dont get that), then up to Driftwood, a beach bar on the way to Rum Point, where we had pizzas and were entertained by a local band, all on the edge of the water with sand as our dancefloor. Beer was replaced by mudlsides, the most popular cocktail on the island, which went down very nicely!
Back then to town where we found another local bar benhind the airport, with sand and deck chairs, about two miles from the nearest beach!
The bus ride home consisted of a rendition of Fields of Athenry, the Hakka, a Zimbabwean drinking song, The Langer, and numerous others in between. The bus swayed from side to side with 32 drunken fools singing and dancing in a van not much biggeer than a Transit!
We more or less took over a bar that prior to our arrival had a bout ten customers! So here we are in the middle of nowhere, in a local bar, when Jill bumps into Seamus Byrne's son John, the No 2 lad in Digicel Cayman. Joyce, you'll be glad to know that he came straight up to introduce himself to Jill after hearing through someone else that she was in the bar! You can let his father know that he says Hi! (see photo in Flickr).
Sore heads ensued and we were back in the house by closing time!
Anyway, off now to enjoy the day in the sun. Might take a boat ride or just go to the beach. Too hot for the dogs so will leave them be and go work on our tans!.
By the way, Friday marked the one year to go point to our wedding next year. 364 days to go! Jill has booked her flights to New York, leaving next Saturday for a week, so if anyone fancies joining her on her shopping trip.........
Jill and Johnny

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Quick Update

Morning all. Just heading off to work so quick update before I do.
Jill and the dogs arrived safe and sound last week.
The poor dogs were wrecked from the journey and were only too glad to get out of their (massive) containers at the airport.
They have settled now and seem to love the place, sleeping all day from their two walks a day (I have to get up at bloody 630am for the first walk! Pain in the neck).
Only real problem is Daisy's love of pooing in the sea (very embarassing) and the fact that Toby keeps drinking the sea water, making himself sick all the time. Ah well!
Jill got bitten by all the mozzies in Cayman in her first few days but touch wood it seems to be fine now, only the sunburn to worry about!
We went out on the lash with all the Irish croud on Friday night, starting in Aqua Beach and ending in the new nightclub beside our condo.
Saturday was spent on Seven Mile Beach, followed by a visit to the flicks for Pirates of the Caribbean and then a Doninoes on the couch (its muck pizza here).
Sunday we brought the dogs to Rum Point for the day and they were very well behaved but we were all knackered by the end of it.
Anyway, Jill has to head off to NYC for a week soon so that her work permit can be procesed (cant be on island while it goes through), so as soon as Fiona bloody well answers the phone in New York, we can arrange it. Still 6 weeks more holidays for her though, the jammy fecker!
Anyway, back to the grindstone, talk later

Sunday, July 09, 2006

And then there was one....again!

I'm sitting on the couch after having watched France lose the world cup earlier on (Italy didnt win it you see, France merely lost it!). Graham and Ais went home on Friday after finishing their holiday here under a sky of numerous showers and not so great weather whilst I believe Dublin had a heat wave! Then again a bad day here means you might get wet on the beach, but you'll still stay there!
Anyway, although I was dying for a quiet nnight on the couch for the last week and a half, I have realised its not all its cracked up to be and I'd take midweek eating and drinking out with family anytime! Graham and Ais, all is forgiven, come back and drag me back out on the piss!
Speaking of which, went out on Friday night with the lads, starting off in a "local" bar out by the airport. More like "Redneck, Cayman style"! Wall to wall Caymanians, Jamaicans and us 8 Irish eejits listening to C&W music blaring from the speakers beside us, but the place was packed. Take note all Irish bar owners, when you hire 8 curvy latino girls as your only staff, you'll have a packed bar!
Anyway, next on to the Reef Grill, a bar on the beach in Seven Mile, which was packed, with a local band playing. Again, food was great (hard to find bad food anyway here, even in the Irissh bar!). Swiftly on to Aqua Beach and then into the Nightclub next door. Funny story before I go on, Graham and Ais went to the same nightttttt club on Wednesday night, not knowing it was Reggae night. They were pretty much the only white people in a packed club where everyone else were practically dry humping each other, reggae style!
Anyway, not quite the same on Friday night, but good night reagrdless as I stumbled home at 3 oclock (handy being so close to the clubs etc).
Yesterday was a wash-out. Went to the gym and nearly made myself sick. Didnt leave the house again until late, to head to the cinema to see Superman Returns. Good film by the way, except they have an intermission here in the cinema, and everyone takes calls in the middle of the film! Slightly annoying.
Snorkelling this morning (have to get some sun at the weekend, would be a disgrace if I didnt at least try), then watched the match in the Irish bar, Fidel's.
Jill arrives on Wednesday (thank god), so will put some more photos up next week.
By the way, I am using Skype now in the house, so if any of ye have broadband at home, download skype (, get a headset (about 10 euros) and I can call you for free (and vice versa). If you need instructions, just mail me.

BTW, have dropped the price of the Mini to 16,950, have to get rid of it if any of ye know anyone looking! Jay will have it (086 805 2235)

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The Long Weekend!

Right so, lots to talk about since our (no longer just mine!) blog as although before there was one, now there is three, well at least until Friday!
Last Friday I had to go to work with two hours sleep after we stayed up drinking til near 5am. Our apologies to anyone we called whilst trying out the old Skype! Very embarassing but equally funny!
So anyway, picked up the keys to the new condo and we moved on Friday night, in two loads. First load we let Ais unpack while we went back for more only to realise we had lost the keys! So sure enough we broke into the old place (surprisingly easy to do, which is a litttle scary to say the least). We said goodbye to the cockroaches and lizards and mad our way to Seven Mile.
What a place the new condo is, the Ritz compared to the Holiday Inn!
We strolled up the road to Deckers and drank a few very very strong cockails before coming back to drink for a few more hours (sorry Graham!).
Saturday was hungover on Seven Mile Beach snorkelling and reading books before a brief but heavy shower forced us to the local beach bar. What do you know. it was Canada day so the bar was packed and the beer was flowing. After a race back to the condo to get changed we went off to Sunset Bar in South Sound to meet up with Gavin Linda and their mates, sipping Dacquiris in the heat whilst a beautiful electrical storm raged in the distance. Paradise!
More late night drinks ensued after absorbing some sobering stories of Hurrican Ivan two years ago, although in a typically Irish fashion the guys spoke more of great craic getting drunk every night because there wa no electricty or transport!
Drunk til 4am (really really sorry Graham) and eventually fell out of bed on Sunday to drag a grumpy Graham to Rum Point, which would cheer anyone up (see photos for authentic smiles).
Nice evening followed by a few drinks down in Aqua Beach which unfortunately shut at 12!
Sensible drinks til 2am allowed us to get up early enough on Bank Holiday Monday to book our boat trip, but not before sampling what had been called the "best breakfast on the island" down the road (best lattes ever according to Ais).
The boat left from the canal side of the island, which is a bit like I imagine the Hamptons are! (half price for locals!)
We stopped to snorkel with the fish, then onto the Sandbar where we swam with the Stingray in shallow water. Great expeience holding them until one mistook my wrist for food and tried to suck the life out of me! Check out the photo for real blood effects!
But not to be detered, Ais duly stood up to the plate and was holding and kissing the fish with pride (a mean feat for anyone who knows her)
Then on to the reef to swim with the 6ft visciuos eel who's name we cant spell (sorry Graham) who some mad Japanese tourist tried to wrestle!! Mad!
Great craic of a day ended with a few beers that we had brought along in the cooler, and Ais even made a friend, 10 year old Jordan from Wales. Aaaah! Bless!
We finished off the night in one of the nicest, poshest restaurants on the island, up in West Bay, in the most beautiful surroundings where you could buy a bottle of wine for 500 euros, if you wanted. We didnt!
But Graham still managed to have the best pasta he has ever tasted (TM), and the rest of the grub wasnt bad either!
Back in work today so uneventful and now that my part of their holiday is over, Graham and Ais's day doesnt count for editorial!
Until next time....

Thursday, June 29, 2006

First week in work nearly over!

Isnt amazing how little time you have for writing blogs once you have a job?
Have been working full time for the last 3 days and my neighbour may have figured out how to block his wireless internet as havent been able to log on grom home for days!
Anyway, what's been happening? I wont bore you with work.
Joined the gym on Tuesday night. Reasonable size with more equipment than I know how to use! Also all the women are 4% body fat fitness junkies, and the blokes would kill you!
Whereas back in Dublin I was on near the highest level on some machines ( I may be exagerating here), I'm barely a quaerter of the way on these machines. I am still sore after my hour's workout! Main thing is its next door to the cinema, a stroll from my condo (more on that in a minute)adn ,get this, it has a Baskin Robbins and a Dunkin' Donuts! How messed up is that?
Well Graham and Ais arrived Wednesday lunchtime. late I might add. There is no arrvals area in the arport, just a big balcoy over the runway that you can wave to people at, so I was stuck in the seltering heat in my suit for an hour until they cleared through customes (they must have looked like mad wired druggies after spending the weekend with Fiona in NewYork!).
Ayway, we went out for a few beers and some food last night and they spent the day on the beach. Heading out to now to a beach bar/ restaurant down the road to get pissed!
Today I spent 2 hrs down with the Dept of Ag trying to get the dog's import licences sorted (they arrive with Jill in less than 2 weeks). This whole island is so laid back, you gotta sit with them while they process your forms in case they forget it and start doing something else!
Anyway, were missing one form, so hopefully will get it sorted tomorrow. Te saga contnues!
Tomorrow I'm paying the deposit on the condo, and guess what? They're giving me the keys to move in 2 weeks early! Nice one as now Graham and Ais can spend their holiday beside the beach and the strip with tall the bars and restaurante etc in walking distance.
We're going to try and get out on the sandbar to see the stingrayand go for a dive on the reef,which is basically one trip on a boat with a crate of beer and some food where you end up wrecked in some bar at the end of the night in your board shorts!
So out of this condo tomorrow, onto the beach and three days off to get sunned, wet, and drunk!
More photos to follow tomorrow

BTW, I had added it to one version of Monday's blog but it didnt post. but Gary and Dara had a healthy 8lb baby girl on Monday, and Noel Roberts emailed me to say that himself and his wife Anita had a baby girl two weeks previous so congrats to both!


Monday, June 26, 2006

Slow day with annoying news

Slow day. Met the realtor and signed on the condo. Get the keys on the 5th, 10 days early as the estate agent is going to be away for a couple of weeks. Have posted some of the photos (from outside the condo only I'm afraid) on flickr.
Got myself a bank account and got the oul hair cut. You cant trust these Jamaican barbers. I asked for a trim with a scissors and she whips out a one blade! Dont worry Jill, I stopped her before she could do too much damage (then again some would say my hair/ head is damaged enough!)
Then I got a call from the boss. She forgot that one of the staff is going on 2 weeks vacation from Wednesday, so I have to start wotk tomorrow morning! Disaster! Had planned on having the rest of the week off, so had to spend the day buying work shoes and ironing my shirts (with a quick hour spent snorkelling in the Caribbean, then lying on the beah reading a book for a while: "The Life of Pi", by the way, not bad, let me know if you've read it!).
So back to some serious real life stuff, will write later in the week.

BTW, have been following the weather in Dublin. You poor bastards!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Last Night

Late night last night, but a perfect introduction to how to go out in Cayman.
I was a little worried that it might end up being a slow night considering you have to be out of the pubs by 12, but that wasnt to be..
The GAA was great craic, a motley crew of Irish, Canadians, Kiwis, Brits, etc descended on the local rugby ground in South Sound to play 3 finals. The sun stayed in, so the heat was bearable as we sipped beers and watched a bunch of non professionals play "the gaa". I knew it wasnt all too serious when two dogs ran through the pitch, chasing each other, before one of the players screamed for a "hand ball"! The girl beside me asked " how does it work, is it the team with the most points that wins?" She was from Kerry. No excuse.
It was very laid back as pet dogs ran around the fringes of the pitch while kids and toddlers pottered around us non players who were sipping beers at the sidelines.
Sure enough, Gav Tobin's team won the day after a heated exchange with the favourites.
After a quick shower it was on to the "Tri Nations" pub on Seven Mile for a food buffet, pints, prize giving, a bit of music and some good craic.
We were all turfed out at 12 with the whole puh heading to some guy's house in George Town who was having a party. I assumed he was one of the lads in the pub, but no, he's a 75 year old Irish guy living on the island for years and years, who hosts a party in his house every year after the gaa finals! He had laid on food, tons of beer, music, etc in his lovely bungalow with pool out the back, barbecue, and three legged dog!
We were singing out the back until about 5 in the morning when the beer ran out, after some of the Digicel lads decided to cool down in the pool instead, fully clothed! Sure enough, no women followed!
All plans to get up at 10am to watch the England game went out the window, let alone the charity cycle I apparently signed up for which was taking place at 6:45am!!
Needless to say, in the middled of drinking and singing I think I signed myself up for next season's gaa, the tag rugby which starts in three weeks, a cycling club, and possibly a running club!
Ah well, no harm until they find out how bad I am at sports!

Easy day today. Took a drive on the coast road all around the island, from Georgetown out to South Sound, past Breakers, up the East Side, and on to the North Side which ends at Rum Point.
What a place. Its the north tip of the island where most of the dive boats head out from, with a big cocktail bar/ restaurant with tables out on the beach, a volleyball court, sun loungers etc all under the palm trees. Top notch place for a barbecue on a Sunday avo.
I have pictures but cant post them up in this internet cafe. My usual one is closed on a Sunday!
Anyway, thats it for Week 1, will have to make up something to do tomorrow!
Might go for a snorkel, or head out for a dive. Its hard to choose!


Saturday, June 24, 2006

Its the weekend!

Was out last night for a few scoops (only three euros a bottle during happy hour, and 3.50 after that, so nay bad!) in a waterfront bar with all the typical palm trees and coconuts effect, but as it was 5:30 on a Friday evening, it was a work croud and not touristy.
In fact, right beside the bar you can see where the local fisherman put up a stall every afternoon to sell their catch from that day. Best fish on the island I am told!
Anyway, ended up having about 8/9 bottles by 9:30pm, and was wreck tired, jet lag finally catching up on me with a few beers, so I headed home!
Earlier that day I had gone into the office for an hour or so where I made a few calls about condos on the beach that would accept dogs. Turns out there was only one advertised so I called them up and headed down to seven mile.
It was explained to me that the beach front properties on seven mile are not allowed to aaccept animals, so my only option was to look at the condos across the road (hardly the end of the world when you consider all you have to do is walk across a main road to the beach access, which is a 20m lane to the beach!).
Anyway, the condo is situated just behind a large supermarket that has a pub and a few restaurants (handy for falling home), and has its own private pool area and really well kept tennis courts, small gym, and barbecue area with wash and cook facilities by the pool which you can reserve for your guests.
The condo itself is slightly larger than the one I have at the moment, but the finish is much nicer, very clean and spacious, all the mod cons etc, walk in wardrobe up in the main room, decking area out the back for barbies.
So after a quick tour and some phone calls, its ours from the middle of next month for C$2600 (about the same in euros), which is OK considering my current place is 2K in not a great area, miles from the beach!
We can move in the Friday of the week that Jill arrives, which should also be the day that our stuff arrives off the slow boat from Ireland
Anyway, went snorkelling again after that before heading out for the beers.

Before I forget, I got a new Caymanian phone yesterday, so my new number is: +1345 322 9887

Went for a good run on the beach this morning, which sure as hell beats a tread mill! although its been a few weeks since I last ran, so it nearly killed me!
At least when you get wrecked you can just dive into the Caribbean to refresh yourself! Oh indeed, it is a hard life.
Enough of my ranting, the GAA finals kick off in just over an hour down at the local rugby grounds, so I'm off to start what will be no doubt a long day's drinking! Although considering all the pubs close on a Saturday at midnight it wont be too long!

Its the weekend!

Was out last night for a few scoops (only three euros a bottle during happy hour, and 3.50 after that, so nay bad!) in a waterfront bar with all the typical palm trees and coconuts effect, but as it was 5:30 on a Friday evening, it was a work croud and not touristy.
In fact, right beside the bar you can see where the local fisherman put up a stall every afternoon to sell their catch from that day. Best fish on the island I am told!
Anyway, ended up having about 8/9 bottles by 9:30pm, and was wreck tired, jet lag finally catching up on me with a few beers, so I headed home!
Earlier that day I had gone into the office for an hour or so where I made a few calls about condos on the beach that would accept dogs. Turns out there was only one advertised so I called them up and headed down to seven mile.
It was explained to me that the beach front properties on seven mile are not allowed to aaccept animals, so my only option was to look at the condos across the road (hardly the end of the world when you consider all you have to do is walk across a main road to the beach access, which is a 20m lane to the beach!).
Anyway, the condo is situated just behind a large supermarket that has a pub and a few restaurants (handy for falling home), and has its own private pool area and really well kept tennis courts, small gym, and barbecue area with wash and cook facilities by the pool which you can reserve for your guests.
The condo itself is slightly larger than the one I have at the moment, but the finish is much nicer, very clean and spacious, all the mod cons etc, walk in wardrobe up in the main room, decking area out the back for barbies.
So after a quick tour and some phone calls, its ours from the middle of next month for C$2600 (about the same in euros), which is OK considering my current place is 2K in not a great area, miles from the beach!
We can move in the Friday of the week that Jill arrives, which should also be the day that our stuff arrives off the slow boat from Ireland
Anyway, went snorkelling again after that before heading out for the beers.

Before I forget, I got a new Caymanian phone yesterday, so my new number is: +1345 322 9887

Went for a good run on the beach this morning, which sure as hell beats a tread mill! although its been a few weeks since I last ran, so it nearly killed me!
At least when you get wrecked you can just dive into the Caribbean to refresh yourself! Oh indeed, it is a hard life.
Enough of my ranting, the GAA finals kick off in just over an hour down at the local rugby grounds, so I'm off to start what will be no doubt a long day's drinking! Although considering all the pubs close on a Saturday at midnight it wont be too long!