Sunday, October 29, 2006

Poker, Fashion Shows, and Irish people doing what they do best..

Once upon a time Jonathan decided to have a quiet weekend, take it easy, stay in and do some work from home....Yes, you are listening to a fairytale, one I told myself on Friday afternoon, and actually believed!
Friday night, we headed to Aqua Beach for a few quiet pints, meeting up with Gavin, Cormac, and Micheail. Come 11:30 I was happy to go home but no-one else was having any of it. I was dragged off to The Wharf for Boogie Nights (last Friday of the month) where we met up with a bunch of other people, and were served triples by the barman who must have thought he was doing us a favor. No. Within an hour I was on my way to having a hangover the next morning.
Saturday morning, my plans to walk the dogs, get my haircut at 10am, get the shopping etc etc were out the window. The day started at 12:30 in The Triple Crown (Irish bar) where a bunch of the lads were meeting up to get breakfast and watch the Munster game, followed by the Comprimised Rules game against Australia. There was a good crowd of Irish and Ozzies, all just there for the match. No harm having a couple of beers and then heading off! But the the rain came, and boy did it fall! You cant be leaving the pub in torrential rain. Nothing else to do but organise a poker game in the corner of the bar. The rest is history... I was (as usual) defeated in two rounds of Texas Holdum, at which point any plans of going home (in fact a few of us lads had planned to go to the cinema as the girls were all going to the Ritz at 6pm for a charity fashion show) went out the window. By 9pm there were 14 of us in Aqua Beach trying (badly) to play drinking games, singing rebel songs (no one person knew the words to any one song!) and generally annoying the rest of the bar on a quiet Saturday night. After 12 hours of drinking, we all went our separate ways around 1am, myself with Micheail in tow back to mine where Jill arrived back with Micheail's fiancee Sarah, and another Irish girl Vanessa.
As the dogs still hadnt had a walk that evening, I had a bright idea to bring them over to the pool. Two hours later we eventually left the pool (we couldnt leave any earlier as it had started to pour rain, and there was no point in leaving the pool and "getting wet" until the rain stopped!). The dogs were happy out, if not a little wet.
Today was a washout. Worst hangover since I got here. Never drinking again (well at least not until next Saturday when one of the lads is having a big barbecue). but definitely not after that. Oh hang on, off to Costa Rica the week after that, then New York two weeks later, then home to Dublin for Christmas two weeks later, then Hubb & Louise arrive for New Years.....
Ok definitely giving up the drink in mid January.

By the way, were now only 5 hours behind Dublin, at least for the next 6 months. Although Niall calling me at 6:30 on Saturday morning wasn't nearly as funny as he no doubt thought it was!
Big happy birthday to Hubb who hits 30 on Wednesday. Sorry I can't be there to wish you a happy birthday (and anniversary to himself and Louise).
Signing off until next week....

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