Sunday, October 08, 2006

Lightning, the Wharf, Full Moon, Posh Do, and Lost!

We were too laxy to update the blog last week, my apologies, it will happen again!
Anyone who has seen the most recent photos on Flickr might be wondering what the hell the "lightning struck here" photos are all about! Last Thursday week, it was lashing rain when I was on my way home from work, and there was a thunder storm off in the distance. By the time I got back, the rain had eased, so I persuaded Jill to come with me to the beach with the dogs.
It had stopped raining by the time we got there, so we headed off on our walk as ark crept in.
Halfway through the walk, the thunder had begun to get louder, and it begun drizzling, so we headed back. 5 minutes later it was pouring rain and the lightning was directly above us. We briefly sheltered by the side of the Ritz, before sprinting down the shore, back to the car.
It had been amazing to watch, with the sea lighting up bright as the lightning cracked all around us. The dogs were cowering under a tree as I opened the car, and we breathed a sigh of relied as we headed off home, briefly toying with the idea of staying there and watching the storm.
Anyway, we slowly drove home in the rain, gently turning off the road, into our estate, when out of nowhere, a bolt of lightning struck the road 3 foot in front of the car. I slammed on the brakes as we inhaled the smell of burning tarmac, with debris from a bush beside us flying up in the air in front of us. It is a sobering experience, and it is safe to say that we have a newfound respect for lightning!
Friday night, I brought the staff out to celebrate a very successful month in work, starting in Margeraritaville, and then on to the 70s night in the Wharf, which is a restaurant on the shore, with huge fish (tarpoons) swimming all around the edge. I eventually persuaded Jill to join us, and we all ended up fairly wonky, dancing to Abba until the bar closed at 2:30!
The weekend was mainly spent indoors as it was dull and raining most of the time.
This week has flown in, with the (sad) highlight of the week being the start of the new series of Lost on wednesday. A bit of an eye opener, and one to watch out for!
Friday was full moon, so we headed down to Calico Jacks, the main beach bar, for the Full Moon Party. They brought in extra benches on the beach, and set up a dancefloor with an elevated DJ box, and two extra temporary bars. Sure enough it was a good night, with most of Grand Cayman out under the moon.
After a bright start yesterday morning, the afternoon turned grey. The beginning of the third dull weekend in a row (its still 30 degrees mind you!).
Last night, the chairman of the board of governors in Jill's school held a party in his house for all of the staff and their partners. Posh doesnt begin to describe it. Gorgeous big house up by the yacht club, with a huge pool, catering by Papagallos, one of the island's poshest restaurants, waiter service, and a bar in the corner. Jill's workmates are not what you would expect from teachers, more like a bunch of college girls out on a night out. What should have been a stuffy, formal, event turned out to be a good night. Jill helped the rest of the teachers with their bar tasting excursion, whilst I jawed the ear off Father Mike, the head of the Catholic Church in Cayman, and the Head of the Drug Squad, who is married to one of Jill's workmates.
We've organised a game of golf for next month!
Anyway, good weekend, different from the norm. Back on the couch today as its been raining all day. Here's hoping this is nearly the end of the rainy season. Roll on November!
Speaking of which, we're off to Costa Rica for the holiday weekend in early November, and I should be heading to New York at the end of the month to see Fiona, and meet up with Si and the Weir fella.
Next thing you know we'll be home!!
Apologies to anyone who has emailed me who I havent replied to. I will do better in future!

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