Sunday, September 24, 2006

30th Birthdays, Patients, and German Cuisine!

Well Orlando has left our shores, and life has returned to normal! ;)
We were well impressed to find him sitting in front of us last Friday in the Ritz, and sure enough the girls kept having to get up and walk in front of his table, and back again, and up again, and back again. I'm sure Orlando was as impressed as we were.
Sure enough we were the last to leave the Hotel Bar that night, resulting in some much needed sleep on Saturday!
On the beach later that day with the dogs we were able to see Orlando and his party on one of the balconies of the Ritz overlooking the water where we were swimming with the dogs as the sun set and a thunder storm rolled on by in the distance. Sure enough we had a quiet night in after that, and were never more glad to have had an alcohol free night when the phone rung at 8 oclock the next morning with some shocking news. Poor Charlotte, who has been staying with us for two weeks with the lads, had been admitted to hospital in critical condition with Bacterial Meningitis. Our thoughts were with Ned and Avril and everyone back in Athy as we waited on the news that eventually came early Monday to say she was going to be OK. Some end to your holiday in the Caribbean after having your camera chewed by our mutts, getting severely sunburnt, only to come back home and end up critical four days later. We wish Charlotte a speedy recovery!
This week was a busy week for TV here, with the new seasons of CSI, CSI Miami, Grey's Anatomy, and Desperate Housewives. Roll on Lost on Thursday week! Very sad I know, but you gotta love the TV!
Anyway, Jill taught her first full mainstream class this week, an opportunity she would never of had back home, and Baraud is on its way to having its best month in over two years. A good week in work for both of us.
Friday was Niall's 30th Birthday back home, which was celebrated last night in his house with all of our friends. We were never more homesick! Hope everyone had a great time, but by the sounds of things when we received a call from Dave last night, everyone was well on and the karaoke was in full swing. Happy 30th Niall!
We had our own 30th celebrations here for Gavin Tobin last night. A bus picked up 18 of us from the Hard Rock Cafe at 5:30 yesterday to bring us over to the East side of the island for a unique culinary experience! We were treated to a feast of food by a German chef who cooks you up a meal of his choice (no menu here) on his barbecue while you sit in his overgrown back garden, with candle lights, and a roaring log fire, drinking your own wine and beer as himself and his son serve up 5/6 courses of delicious food. At the end of it all, you contribute however much you think it was worth into the "donations" bowl. A visit to the bathroom was a trip as you walked through the garden, down the side of his house, up the stairs into his living room, through his office and into his bedroom where you were able to use the en-suite. Very unique but also a great night!
With plenty of wine and food in our bellies we made our way back into town to find most bars shutting. Sure enough Fidels, the Irish bar, was still serving, so we ordered a few rounds and eventually left an hour later after some Karaoke and dancing.
Jill invited the pub back to ours, and unlike what happens in Ireland, they all came!
A bus brought us all back and we raided the fridge of every beer and bottle of wine, listening to music, talking crap, and dancing until the neighbours eventually knocked on our door to complain, and the party began to wind down.
A late night and too much drinking led us to miss the Ryder Cup coverage this morning, aftr tuning in for the last two days. Very very annoyed that I missed it as it sounded like it was amazing. My bro Graham has been there for the last three days, along with Jill's mum who was marshalling, and Niall I belive was there all day Friday. To all of ye others who were there, hope you enjoyed it, and yes I am sick with envy!.
A few music and visual tips: Downloaded Scissor Sisters' new album, just OK, new Basement Jaxx album has some gems, but plenty of duds, Kasabian's album is very good, Kill Bill Soundtrack is one worth re-visiting. Watched United 93 and March of the Penquins. Interesting. I'd recommend Luck Number Slevin, lots of bad reviews, but its a god film with plenty of twists.
Last but not least, our flights are booked home for the 14th, in time for Gail and Ross's wedding. I leave on th 27th, Jill on the 28th, and we're back in July, Jill on the 8th, myself on the 13th, in time for our respective hen and stag nights the weekend before the wedding!
Countdown has begun in earnest, for what will hopefully be a great day. It wont be for lack of planning on Jill's behalf. Thanks to Simon for pulling two treats out of the bag this week regarding the wedding. You will all find out more next year!
Also, my potential return next month is now definitely off. Ah well, not long to go anyway.
Mick and Tanya may be coming in November, which will be brilliant, so come on the rest of you, there are plenty of more dates!!

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