Sunday, September 03, 2006

Hurricanes, Boxes, Cars, and Visitors

After all our preparation last week and our excited anticipation of Hurricane Ernesto, we were let down with not even a rain shower!
Ernesto headed North towards the Florida Keys before disappearing into merely a Depression!
Cayman was spared once again and life returned to normal!
On Monday we finally got the call that we have been waiting 13 weeks for, our stuff arrived!!!
Turns out the 8 boxes were completely unneccesary but still, its great to have all of our picture frames etc. Also, I have my golf clubs at last so I can begin digging up the greens here!
Jill started work on Tuesday, preceeded by a "get to know you" night on Monday in Sunset House. Her work mates are all cool, very chilled out. She started on Tuesday morn and so far absolutely loves it, but more from her later.
We spent most evenings viewing cars, settling finally on a 4 door Civic (4 wheel drive for some reason) which I'll pick up tomorrow.
Charlotte arrived safe and sound on Tuesday evening, so we bought her down to Sunset House on Tues, Calico Jacks Beach Bar on Wedesday, and chez Campbell Chambers for Pizza on Thursday. Jill was complaining that Charlotte had a better tan after 2 days than she has got in 2 months!
The lads arrived on Friday night, but Brian's bags were missing (we got them Saturday though). After a run on the beach we all went down to Calico Jacks on Friday night, bumping into a big gang (Elaine, Jim, Cormac, Micheail, Sarah, Sweaty Simon, Campbell, and the Zimbabwean lads. Several buckets of beer later, we had all chilled into Cayman mode!
Saturday we headed over to Rum Point, bringing the thunder and rain with us, so we settled for Mudslides and Food in Over the Edge before heading on home.
We took it easy last night and headed to Eats Cafe for some food, where Brian was ID'd and ended up having to drink Sprite (very humorous). After we all ate far too much, we headed home to watch a video. I failed at that and went to bed at 10pm (some of us were up for work at 7:30am on Saturday so I was understabdably tired!!).
I was woken this morning at 7am by the dogs (as usual) looking to get out. It was gloriously sunny. I went back to bed. I was woken again at 11am by a massive thunderclap, looking out to see the pouring rain. Sure enough Brian and Charlotte were out by the pool where they had been all morning, and stayed out during the pouring rain (see Brian's pool dive from the piled deck chairs in Flickr).
It was sunny half an hour later so we headed off for our boat trip to Stingray City.
We packed the beer and food, slapped on the suntan, and headed out with a bunch of other tourists to 2 snorkel sites and the sandbar where the stingrays come to feed.
In the second snorkel site we managed to see two moray eels, and one nurse sharks. Pretty cool as they swam around us, being fed by the guys running the boat.
The sandbar was great craic with the stingrays as Jill burst into tears and jumped into my arms asking to be sent back to the boat after the first stingray swam by her, brushing her leg.
15 mins later she was holding the damn things!
After three hours of good craic we were home, playing tennis until another thunderstorm blew in.
Back on the couch now after a feast of chicken wings for dinner.
Good weekend, too short as usual, back to work for myself and Jill in the morning, whilst the lads continue their Caribbean holiday!

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