Saturday, July 29, 2006

Cayman Apples

Another week gone, and the time is flying. Jill left for New York this morning where she's going to be staying with Fiona for a week. She'll be detoxing until October knowing Fi! And the credit card will be suffering for a longer time afterward. The Big Apple, what I wouldnt give to be going with her. Last time I was there was with one Mr Cooney back in 2000 after we decided one drunken night up in Club 92 that we'd try New York for New Years for a change, and two weeks later we were there, in minus 8 degrees weather, with a blizzard that shut 5th Avenue. Some craic!
New York in the summer, I'll have to get to see it some day.
Anyhoo.....we picked up the new car on Monday (sorry, no photos yet, Jill has taken the camera to New York), so were finally back to right hand drive, although itsfunny how used you get to driving on the passenger side!
Busy week in work, a lot done, but planning to spend the next week getting our marketing efforts sorted out. We've an article appearing in the papers tomorrow from the Cayman Net News (, officially its Monday's edition, in the business section, not sure if they'll put the pictures on line, but check it out just in case. Very cheesy.
We ate out most nights this week, its just so hard not to! You cant be cooking for yourself around here, apart from Wednesday when a meeting with my boss ran til 11pm and Jill had to throw my dinner away! Ah well.....
Bad news on the other car front when Jay informed us that our buyer for the Mini fell through as she couldnt get the finance, so its still on the market...any takers??? Talk to Jay if you're interested, when he gets back from hols next week.
The dogs have found themselves a new sport, chasing crabs! Every night when I take them for a walk on the beach, its ususally sunset, which is when the crabs seem to get going (only little white fellas, nothing too big), and they dig little holes all by the shoreline and up on the beach.
Well the other night there was more than usual, and the dogs were well wide to it, they were hunting in the dark up and down the beach, digging into holes, chasing the crabs into the water, trying to catch them. Great craic to watch, so they're hooked now, every night and morning looking for them. Beats chasing cats anyway!
Decided we're buying a boat this week (will probably never happen but its good to have dreams!). You can pick up a decent sized second hand one for 15 grand or so, so if we can get another couple to go in on it with us were laughing! Sure we're on an island, you need a boat surely, dont you?
Took it easy last night as we were up at 6 this morn to go the airport, found myself a great spot for breakfast on the way back, and old syle English caf and bakery that do propr frys. Had myself a brown bap with proper sausages, a fried egg, mayo and ketchup, and a cup of proper tea. Top notch, I will be back!
Looked into buying a kayak today (you see this boat lark has gone to my head), but they're 600 lids! Decided to try renting one instead to see if I like it. Cost me 12 quid for an hour and it was boring. Another 588 quid saved!
Heading out for a few pints with the lads tonight, with the mrs away and all! Would be a shame not to.
Anyway, Jill will update with her NYC hol tales next week.
Until then....

By the way, I have pulished a video of the bus last week from the pub crawl here:
Quite painful, you really had to be there.....

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