Sunday, August 06, 2006

Her Week

Her Week.....
Well I have safely returned from New York!! After a close call at the airport (problems with paper work etc) they eventually let me on the plane... with only 20 minutes to go! A hectic end to a hectic week!
After arriving last Saturday afternoon in blistering heat, I took a cab into the soho area to meet Fiona and Joe where we went for some food and beers before they both headed off to work. I settled in to the (gorgeous) apartment belonging to a friend of Fi's, got ready and headed out on my first night in New York. Off I wnt to Puck Fair, where Fiona works, and settled happily at a table beside Joe in the dj box. Fiona looked after me like the princess that I am, sending up drinks all night, as well as a fab dinner! Needless to say i consumed a lot of alcohol and the story goes that at six o' clock in the morning I was waving around a dollar bill looking for another drink before I fell off a bar stool!! Sore heads all round the next day, as although I went (or was sent to) bed at this stage, the others stayed drinking til 9.30 am!! So it was a quiet day on sunday followed by two days at the beach to try and escape the heat. Trust me to arrive in New York in the middle of the worst heatwave they have ever experienced!
Monday night we headed to one of the many fab parks to watch an outdoor movie followed by a trip to time square. What a place - so many lights and so much to take in!
Tuesday night Fi and i went to watch Joe dj while we drank jugs of sangria, in between going outside to try and catch a glimpse of Jude Law who was filming in a store next door!
Wednesday i went shopping around seaport where I was staying, followed by a harbour cruise. This was really cool as the captain invited me to sit in his cabin, which was air conditioned, cos i was the first person to go up on the deck! Even out on the water the heat was too intense.
Thursday was spent on 5th avenue shopping up a storm. Sacs, Jimmy Choo, Tiffany's and the apple store were all paid a visit, mostly just to look not spend!
That night I went out with Fiona's flatmate Dave, as she was working. Some of you may not appreciate this but we ended up in Bungalow 8, where the rope was pulled across for us and we skipped the line!!! Very cool! Even fewer of you will appreciate this but the only celeb I managed to see, or more to the point recognised, was 'Vince' from entourage. So I finally spotted a celeb! Of course, not knowing when to quit, I got home very late and woke up with an even sorer head than sunday morning. (with more bruises so I can only assume more falling off bar stools!)
Needless to say Friday was a very quiet day and I arrived home needing some R n' R yesterday, grateful to be back with Johnny and the dogs and in the slower pace of Cayman. Once i unpacked we headed out for some grub and then a lovely day at the beach followed by a drive across the Island to meet up with some friends for some dinner and drinks beside the water.... cayman living at its best! Many thanks to Fiona and Joe (who's great by the way!) for minding me so well, hopefully we can return the favour soon!

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