Friday, August 25, 2006

Ernesto is a coming!

Day 65 in the Big Brother

Well, its official, the first Hurricane of the season is on its way.
Tropical Storm Ernesto is expected to be Hurricane Ernesto when it hits the Caymans on Monday morning (afternoon back in Dublin). It will probably be no more than a Category 1 (wind speeds of between 75 and 110 mph), but sure enough the supermarkets were rammed today as people panic shopped for hurricane supplies, including us! So we now have our hurricane box fully stocked with food, water, batteries, lamps, matches, fuel etc etc etc. I think we could last a nuclear winter with what we have upstairs!
Its been an expensive week, after Daisy developed a choking kind of cough that had us worried. 700 euros of vet bills later has us shocked, and they're still not sure what is wrong with us, but as she is on 6 different types of meds, I think she is dosed up for every possible disease under the sun at this stage.
The thoughts of having to pay for a new car tomorrow for Jill has us planning a very very quiet weekend this weekend!!
Heading out now for some sushi, followed by a few bottles of vino on the couch!
Ernesto may be on the horizon, but instead of worried, we have to admit to being slightly excited at the thoughts of our first hurricane, mainly of course because it will (hopefully) be the mildest kind!! But having to issue alerts to all our 100 temp staff, and gather everyone's contact details in case of emergency is a sobering experience. Clients canceled interviews, IT training classes have been cancelled and the whole Island anxiously awaits Ernesto. Not the irish though who are stocking up on booze and planning parties for Sunday night in anticipation of a day off work on Monday. If you dont hear from us by Tuesday, we've been hit, send a boat!! Love J&J. BTW,we'll be sure to get some photos!

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