Saturday, August 12, 2006

The morning after

So ayway, out last night for a few drinks in Aqua Beach with Cormac, Gav, Elaine, Jim, Elaine, and Colleen.  There til the death, then on to District 6, the nightclub beside us.  We went for one, stayed for three, and then Jill told the whole club that they were invited back to ours for a party.  I quickly got us out of there.  A nice gesture, but we were both wrecked.  
So we got home to the dogs around 3:30am to find that they had killed a frog in the living room!  At least they're keeping the vermin at bay!  I didn even have to train them for that one!
Up this morn at 9:30am for a sobering walk on the beach and a swim.  Taking it easy tonight, gotta enjoy the weekend!
A big shout out to Alex Richardson (nee Moran)! who turns 29 today.  Happy Birthday Al!
Watch out for the Cayman Net News ( on Monday, as I have another fabulous article in the Business section. In fact I'll have one every week from now on.  They are that starved for news!!
Bought the paper one day last week and it was only 16 pages long!
Hopefully we'll have a quiet couple of weeks ahead as Robbie, Brian, and Charlotte arrive around the 30th, and Fiona and Joe called us last night to say that they're going to see if they can drop in to the Caymans the preceeding week on their way home from New York.  Hopefully it all works out well.
Micka and Tanya might also be dropping off in mid/late September, and the Carroll fella is still talking of a trip on the way back from Vegas.  Simon, if its any incentive, Aqua Beach on a Friday night is a meat market, as is District 6.  You'll fit right in! 

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