Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Quick Update

Morning all. Just heading off to work so quick update before I do.
Jill and the dogs arrived safe and sound last week.
The poor dogs were wrecked from the journey and were only too glad to get out of their (massive) containers at the airport.
They have settled now and seem to love the place, sleeping all day from their two walks a day (I have to get up at bloody 630am for the first walk! Pain in the neck).
Only real problem is Daisy's love of pooing in the sea (very embarassing) and the fact that Toby keeps drinking the sea water, making himself sick all the time. Ah well!
Jill got bitten by all the mozzies in Cayman in her first few days but touch wood it seems to be fine now, only the sunburn to worry about!
We went out on the lash with all the Irish croud on Friday night, starting in Aqua Beach and ending in the new nightclub beside our condo.
Saturday was spent on Seven Mile Beach, followed by a visit to the flicks for Pirates of the Caribbean and then a Doninoes on the couch (its muck pizza here).
Sunday we brought the dogs to Rum Point for the day and they were very well behaved but we were all knackered by the end of it.
Anyway, Jill has to head off to NYC for a week soon so that her work permit can be procesed (cant be on island while it goes through), so as soon as Fiona bloody well answers the phone in New York, we can arrange it. Still 6 weeks more holidays for her though, the jammy fecker!
Anyway, back to the grindstone, talk later

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