Sunday, July 09, 2006

And then there was one....again!

I'm sitting on the couch after having watched France lose the world cup earlier on (Italy didnt win it you see, France merely lost it!). Graham and Ais went home on Friday after finishing their holiday here under a sky of numerous showers and not so great weather whilst I believe Dublin had a heat wave! Then again a bad day here means you might get wet on the beach, but you'll still stay there!
Anyway, although I was dying for a quiet nnight on the couch for the last week and a half, I have realised its not all its cracked up to be and I'd take midweek eating and drinking out with family anytime! Graham and Ais, all is forgiven, come back and drag me back out on the piss!
Speaking of which, went out on Friday night with the lads, starting off in a "local" bar out by the airport. More like "Redneck, Cayman style"! Wall to wall Caymanians, Jamaicans and us 8 Irish eejits listening to C&W music blaring from the speakers beside us, but the place was packed. Take note all Irish bar owners, when you hire 8 curvy latino girls as your only staff, you'll have a packed bar!
Anyway, next on to the Reef Grill, a bar on the beach in Seven Mile, which was packed, with a local band playing. Again, food was great (hard to find bad food anyway here, even in the Irissh bar!). Swiftly on to Aqua Beach and then into the Nightclub next door. Funny story before I go on, Graham and Ais went to the same nightttttt club on Wednesday night, not knowing it was Reggae night. They were pretty much the only white people in a packed club where everyone else were practically dry humping each other, reggae style!
Anyway, not quite the same on Friday night, but good night reagrdless as I stumbled home at 3 oclock (handy being so close to the clubs etc).
Yesterday was a wash-out. Went to the gym and nearly made myself sick. Didnt leave the house again until late, to head to the cinema to see Superman Returns. Good film by the way, except they have an intermission here in the cinema, and everyone takes calls in the middle of the film! Slightly annoying.
Snorkelling this morning (have to get some sun at the weekend, would be a disgrace if I didnt at least try), then watched the match in the Irish bar, Fidel's.
Jill arrives on Wednesday (thank god), so will put some more photos up next week.
By the way, I am using Skype now in the house, so if any of ye have broadband at home, download skype (, get a headset (about 10 euros) and I can call you for free (and vice versa). If you need instructions, just mail me.

BTW, have dropped the price of the Mini to 16,950, have to get rid of it if any of ye know anyone looking! Jay will have it (086 805 2235)

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