Tuesday, July 04, 2006

The Long Weekend!

Right so, lots to talk about since our (no longer just mine!) blog as although before there was one, now there is three, well at least until Friday!
Last Friday I had to go to work with two hours sleep after we stayed up drinking til near 5am. Our apologies to anyone we called whilst trying out the old Skype! Very embarassing but equally funny!
So anyway, picked up the keys to the new condo and we moved on Friday night, in two loads. First load we let Ais unpack while we went back for more only to realise we had lost the keys! So sure enough we broke into the old place (surprisingly easy to do, which is a litttle scary to say the least). We said goodbye to the cockroaches and lizards and mad our way to Seven Mile.
What a place the new condo is, the Ritz compared to the Holiday Inn!
We strolled up the road to Deckers and drank a few very very strong cockails before coming back to drink for a few more hours (sorry Graham!).
Saturday was hungover on Seven Mile Beach snorkelling and reading books before a brief but heavy shower forced us to the local beach bar. What do you know. it was Canada day so the bar was packed and the beer was flowing. After a race back to the condo to get changed we went off to Sunset Bar in South Sound to meet up with Gavin Linda and their mates, sipping Dacquiris in the heat whilst a beautiful electrical storm raged in the distance. Paradise!
More late night drinks ensued after absorbing some sobering stories of Hurrican Ivan two years ago, although in a typically Irish fashion the guys spoke more of great craic getting drunk every night because there wa no electricty or transport!
Drunk til 4am (really really sorry Graham) and eventually fell out of bed on Sunday to drag a grumpy Graham to Rum Point, which would cheer anyone up (see photos for authentic smiles).
Nice evening followed by a few drinks down in Aqua Beach which unfortunately shut at 12!
Sensible drinks til 2am allowed us to get up early enough on Bank Holiday Monday to book our boat trip, but not before sampling what had been called the "best breakfast on the island" down the road (best lattes ever according to Ais).
The boat left from the canal side of the island, which is a bit like I imagine the Hamptons are! (half price for locals!)
We stopped to snorkel with the fish, then onto the Sandbar where we swam with the Stingray in shallow water. Great expeience holding them until one mistook my wrist for food and tried to suck the life out of me! Check out the photo for real blood effects!
But not to be detered, Ais duly stood up to the plate and was holding and kissing the fish with pride (a mean feat for anyone who knows her)
Then on to the reef to swim with the 6ft visciuos eel who's name we cant spell (sorry Graham) who some mad Japanese tourist tried to wrestle!! Mad!
Great craic of a day ended with a few beers that we had brought along in the cooler, and Ais even made a friend, 10 year old Jordan from Wales. Aaaah! Bless!
We finished off the night in one of the nicest, poshest restaurants on the island, up in West Bay, in the most beautiful surroundings where you could buy a bottle of wine for 500 euros, if you wanted. We didnt!
But Graham still managed to have the best pasta he has ever tasted (TM), and the rest of the grub wasnt bad either!
Back in work today so uneventful and now that my part of their holiday is over, Graham and Ais's day doesnt count for editorial!
Until next time....

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