Thursday, June 29, 2006

First week in work nearly over!

Isnt amazing how little time you have for writing blogs once you have a job?
Have been working full time for the last 3 days and my neighbour may have figured out how to block his wireless internet as havent been able to log on grom home for days!
Anyway, what's been happening? I wont bore you with work.
Joined the gym on Tuesday night. Reasonable size with more equipment than I know how to use! Also all the women are 4% body fat fitness junkies, and the blokes would kill you!
Whereas back in Dublin I was on near the highest level on some machines ( I may be exagerating here), I'm barely a quaerter of the way on these machines. I am still sore after my hour's workout! Main thing is its next door to the cinema, a stroll from my condo (more on that in a minute)adn ,get this, it has a Baskin Robbins and a Dunkin' Donuts! How messed up is that?
Well Graham and Ais arrived Wednesday lunchtime. late I might add. There is no arrvals area in the arport, just a big balcoy over the runway that you can wave to people at, so I was stuck in the seltering heat in my suit for an hour until they cleared through customes (they must have looked like mad wired druggies after spending the weekend with Fiona in NewYork!).
Ayway, we went out for a few beers and some food last night and they spent the day on the beach. Heading out to now to a beach bar/ restaurant down the road to get pissed!
Today I spent 2 hrs down with the Dept of Ag trying to get the dog's import licences sorted (they arrive with Jill in less than 2 weeks). This whole island is so laid back, you gotta sit with them while they process your forms in case they forget it and start doing something else!
Anyway, were missing one form, so hopefully will get it sorted tomorrow. Te saga contnues!
Tomorrow I'm paying the deposit on the condo, and guess what? They're giving me the keys to move in 2 weeks early! Nice one as now Graham and Ais can spend their holiday beside the beach and the strip with tall the bars and restaurante etc in walking distance.
We're going to try and get out on the sandbar to see the stingrayand go for a dive on the reef,which is basically one trip on a boat with a crate of beer and some food where you end up wrecked in some bar at the end of the night in your board shorts!
So out of this condo tomorrow, onto the beach and three days off to get sunned, wet, and drunk!
More photos to follow tomorrow

BTW, I had added it to one version of Monday's blog but it didnt post. but Gary and Dara had a healthy 8lb baby girl on Monday, and Noel Roberts emailed me to say that himself and his wife Anita had a baby girl two weeks previous so congrats to both!


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