Thursday, June 22, 2006

Day 2 (full day anyway) in the Caymans

Just back from snorkelling off Seven Mile Beach, absolutely gorgeous, fine white sand, beautiful water (check out the latest photos on flickr). Saw a sting ray only 5 metres out from the beach, and gorgeous big fish only 10 metres out. Going to check out the proper snorkelling spots tomorrow.
Feeling a lot more relaxed about the place now, have the jeep and know my way around a fair bit now. Also, picked up a new LCD last night, so have the Mini Mac all hooked up with my music, photos, and videos etc. This place is a lot cheaper than I thought aswell, if you know where to go.
Going to start looking for a new condo tomorrow when the classifieds are published, down on the beach I was on today. Place I'm in is fine, but need to be by the beach, thats what we're here for after all.
The boss showed me the photos of her home before and after the Hurricane two years ago, it really caused some damage! Reminiscent of the tsunami aftermath, although no one really died or anything here, looks worse than it was. Betty (the boss) was born and raised here and has never seen anything like it. All they ever get here is tropical storms (i.e. heavy rains and a bit windy). First proper hurricane, and hopefully the last! What are the chances?
Anyway, thats about it, heading home to chill out for the evening, practice my guitar (which we all know I need to do!) and make myself some dinner, fresh fish on the menu tonight, bought from the fishermen on the beach, you just cant beat that!
Anyway, will write again soon


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