Monday, June 26, 2006

Slow day with annoying news

Slow day. Met the realtor and signed on the condo. Get the keys on the 5th, 10 days early as the estate agent is going to be away for a couple of weeks. Have posted some of the photos (from outside the condo only I'm afraid) on flickr.
Got myself a bank account and got the oul hair cut. You cant trust these Jamaican barbers. I asked for a trim with a scissors and she whips out a one blade! Dont worry Jill, I stopped her before she could do too much damage (then again some would say my hair/ head is damaged enough!)
Then I got a call from the boss. She forgot that one of the staff is going on 2 weeks vacation from Wednesday, so I have to start wotk tomorrow morning! Disaster! Had planned on having the rest of the week off, so had to spend the day buying work shoes and ironing my shirts (with a quick hour spent snorkelling in the Caribbean, then lying on the beah reading a book for a while: "The Life of Pi", by the way, not bad, let me know if you've read it!).
So back to some serious real life stuff, will write later in the week.

BTW, have been following the weather in Dublin. You poor bastards!

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