Saturday, June 24, 2006

Its the weekend!

Was out last night for a few scoops (only three euros a bottle during happy hour, and 3.50 after that, so nay bad!) in a waterfront bar with all the typical palm trees and coconuts effect, but as it was 5:30 on a Friday evening, it was a work croud and not touristy.
In fact, right beside the bar you can see where the local fisherman put up a stall every afternoon to sell their catch from that day. Best fish on the island I am told!
Anyway, ended up having about 8/9 bottles by 9:30pm, and was wreck tired, jet lag finally catching up on me with a few beers, so I headed home!
Earlier that day I had gone into the office for an hour or so where I made a few calls about condos on the beach that would accept dogs. Turns out there was only one advertised so I called them up and headed down to seven mile.
It was explained to me that the beach front properties on seven mile are not allowed to aaccept animals, so my only option was to look at the condos across the road (hardly the end of the world when you consider all you have to do is walk across a main road to the beach access, which is a 20m lane to the beach!).
Anyway, the condo is situated just behind a large supermarket that has a pub and a few restaurants (handy for falling home), and has its own private pool area and really well kept tennis courts, small gym, and barbecue area with wash and cook facilities by the pool which you can reserve for your guests.
The condo itself is slightly larger than the one I have at the moment, but the finish is much nicer, very clean and spacious, all the mod cons etc, walk in wardrobe up in the main room, decking area out the back for barbies.
So after a quick tour and some phone calls, its ours from the middle of next month for C$2600 (about the same in euros), which is OK considering my current place is 2K in not a great area, miles from the beach!
We can move in the Friday of the week that Jill arrives, which should also be the day that our stuff arrives off the slow boat from Ireland
Anyway, went snorkelling again after that before heading out for the beers.

Before I forget, I got a new Caymanian phone yesterday, so my new number is: +1345 322 9887

Went for a good run on the beach this morning, which sure as hell beats a tread mill! although its been a few weeks since I last ran, so it nearly killed me!
At least when you get wrecked you can just dive into the Caribbean to refresh yourself! Oh indeed, it is a hard life.
Enough of my ranting, the GAA finals kick off in just over an hour down at the local rugby grounds, so I'm off to start what will be no doubt a long day's drinking! Although considering all the pubs close on a Saturday at midnight it wont be too long!

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