Wednesday, June 21, 2006

First Full Day in the Caymans

Well I made it yesterday! Flight was grand, no major hassles, although was glad of the betterseats in Premium Economy, made all the difference! Arrived here at just after half three in the afternoon local time (we're six hours behind Dublin at the mo), and the humidity took me by surprise when I got off the plane. Lovely and sunny, 31 degrees, butin fairness you get fairly used to it. The new boss picked me up (eventually) from the airport and she drove me around and to the office to meet all the staff, who seem lovely. Then I dropped her off at her condo and tried to get the jeep going. Well sure I havent driven an automatic in years, so couldnt get it into drive. She had been watching me from her door, so came running down to tell me I needed to press the break, then she said she'd come with me to make sure I drove it fine. The woman's nerves were gone when we got back to my condo! They all drive around 20/25 mph here and think nothing of stopping their cars in the middle of the street to have a look at something. A bit too easy going for my liking, and not the way I drive! Needless to say she though it would be best to take the car off melast night to pick up today after I slept, so still waiting on it! The island from the sky is completely lined by beaches. In some ways the town is like any other tourist resort you would get in Europe, butI havent been to the beach yet. Our condo (I cant call it an apartment apparently) is lovely, a couple of mins from the main town and all the shops, but a bit away from the nicest of the beaches, so I'm going to ring around this week and find somewhere else on Seven Mile Beach, which is out of town (ie furtherfrom the office), but on the beach, and nearer to the best bars andrestaurants, gyms, etc. I reckon we dont actually need a house with a garden, the dogs would die in the heat outdoors during the mid day sun, everyone else leaves them indoors during the day to sleep, and just has them out and about all evening down by the water instead. I wont therefore get hooked up with the broadband until I find a newplace so will have to rely on this internet cafe every few days. I'll post some photos on the flickr site tomorrow or the next
Met up with Gav Tobin last night who showed me around the place before we went our for a few beers and a bit to eat. Great having a friendly face that you can get advice from.
He has pointed me in the right direction re: some essential basic shopping this week, getting a driver's licence, a bank account, and finding a new place to live etc.
He's playing himself in the local GAA finals on Saturday night, so will go out with his croud and hopefully get to know a few of the ex pats.
I'm probably not goinh to start work until Monday week, so will be able to spend some time with Graham and Ais when they arrive next Wednesday, doing the touristy things!
Anyway, will write again soon

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