Thursday, June 29, 2006

First week in work nearly over!

Isnt amazing how little time you have for writing blogs once you have a job?
Have been working full time for the last 3 days and my neighbour may have figured out how to block his wireless internet as havent been able to log on grom home for days!
Anyway, what's been happening? I wont bore you with work.
Joined the gym on Tuesday night. Reasonable size with more equipment than I know how to use! Also all the women are 4% body fat fitness junkies, and the blokes would kill you!
Whereas back in Dublin I was on near the highest level on some machines ( I may be exagerating here), I'm barely a quaerter of the way on these machines. I am still sore after my hour's workout! Main thing is its next door to the cinema, a stroll from my condo (more on that in a minute)adn ,get this, it has a Baskin Robbins and a Dunkin' Donuts! How messed up is that?
Well Graham and Ais arrived Wednesday lunchtime. late I might add. There is no arrvals area in the arport, just a big balcoy over the runway that you can wave to people at, so I was stuck in the seltering heat in my suit for an hour until they cleared through customes (they must have looked like mad wired druggies after spending the weekend with Fiona in NewYork!).
Ayway, we went out for a few beers and some food last night and they spent the day on the beach. Heading out to now to a beach bar/ restaurant down the road to get pissed!
Today I spent 2 hrs down with the Dept of Ag trying to get the dog's import licences sorted (they arrive with Jill in less than 2 weeks). This whole island is so laid back, you gotta sit with them while they process your forms in case they forget it and start doing something else!
Anyway, were missing one form, so hopefully will get it sorted tomorrow. Te saga contnues!
Tomorrow I'm paying the deposit on the condo, and guess what? They're giving me the keys to move in 2 weeks early! Nice one as now Graham and Ais can spend their holiday beside the beach and the strip with tall the bars and restaurante etc in walking distance.
We're going to try and get out on the sandbar to see the stingrayand go for a dive on the reef,which is basically one trip on a boat with a crate of beer and some food where you end up wrecked in some bar at the end of the night in your board shorts!
So out of this condo tomorrow, onto the beach and three days off to get sunned, wet, and drunk!
More photos to follow tomorrow

BTW, I had added it to one version of Monday's blog but it didnt post. but Gary and Dara had a healthy 8lb baby girl on Monday, and Noel Roberts emailed me to say that himself and his wife Anita had a baby girl two weeks previous so congrats to both!


Monday, June 26, 2006

Slow day with annoying news

Slow day. Met the realtor and signed on the condo. Get the keys on the 5th, 10 days early as the estate agent is going to be away for a couple of weeks. Have posted some of the photos (from outside the condo only I'm afraid) on flickr.
Got myself a bank account and got the oul hair cut. You cant trust these Jamaican barbers. I asked for a trim with a scissors and she whips out a one blade! Dont worry Jill, I stopped her before she could do too much damage (then again some would say my hair/ head is damaged enough!)
Then I got a call from the boss. She forgot that one of the staff is going on 2 weeks vacation from Wednesday, so I have to start wotk tomorrow morning! Disaster! Had planned on having the rest of the week off, so had to spend the day buying work shoes and ironing my shirts (with a quick hour spent snorkelling in the Caribbean, then lying on the beah reading a book for a while: "The Life of Pi", by the way, not bad, let me know if you've read it!).
So back to some serious real life stuff, will write later in the week.

BTW, have been following the weather in Dublin. You poor bastards!

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Last Night

Late night last night, but a perfect introduction to how to go out in Cayman.
I was a little worried that it might end up being a slow night considering you have to be out of the pubs by 12, but that wasnt to be..
The GAA was great craic, a motley crew of Irish, Canadians, Kiwis, Brits, etc descended on the local rugby ground in South Sound to play 3 finals. The sun stayed in, so the heat was bearable as we sipped beers and watched a bunch of non professionals play "the gaa". I knew it wasnt all too serious when two dogs ran through the pitch, chasing each other, before one of the players screamed for a "hand ball"! The girl beside me asked " how does it work, is it the team with the most points that wins?" She was from Kerry. No excuse.
It was very laid back as pet dogs ran around the fringes of the pitch while kids and toddlers pottered around us non players who were sipping beers at the sidelines.
Sure enough, Gav Tobin's team won the day after a heated exchange with the favourites.
After a quick shower it was on to the "Tri Nations" pub on Seven Mile for a food buffet, pints, prize giving, a bit of music and some good craic.
We were all turfed out at 12 with the whole puh heading to some guy's house in George Town who was having a party. I assumed he was one of the lads in the pub, but no, he's a 75 year old Irish guy living on the island for years and years, who hosts a party in his house every year after the gaa finals! He had laid on food, tons of beer, music, etc in his lovely bungalow with pool out the back, barbecue, and three legged dog!
We were singing out the back until about 5 in the morning when the beer ran out, after some of the Digicel lads decided to cool down in the pool instead, fully clothed! Sure enough, no women followed!
All plans to get up at 10am to watch the England game went out the window, let alone the charity cycle I apparently signed up for which was taking place at 6:45am!!
Needless to say, in the middled of drinking and singing I think I signed myself up for next season's gaa, the tag rugby which starts in three weeks, a cycling club, and possibly a running club!
Ah well, no harm until they find out how bad I am at sports!

Easy day today. Took a drive on the coast road all around the island, from Georgetown out to South Sound, past Breakers, up the East Side, and on to the North Side which ends at Rum Point.
What a place. Its the north tip of the island where most of the dive boats head out from, with a big cocktail bar/ restaurant with tables out on the beach, a volleyball court, sun loungers etc all under the palm trees. Top notch place for a barbecue on a Sunday avo.
I have pictures but cant post them up in this internet cafe. My usual one is closed on a Sunday!
Anyway, thats it for Week 1, will have to make up something to do tomorrow!
Might go for a snorkel, or head out for a dive. Its hard to choose!


Saturday, June 24, 2006

Its the weekend!

Was out last night for a few scoops (only three euros a bottle during happy hour, and 3.50 after that, so nay bad!) in a waterfront bar with all the typical palm trees and coconuts effect, but as it was 5:30 on a Friday evening, it was a work croud and not touristy.
In fact, right beside the bar you can see where the local fisherman put up a stall every afternoon to sell their catch from that day. Best fish on the island I am told!
Anyway, ended up having about 8/9 bottles by 9:30pm, and was wreck tired, jet lag finally catching up on me with a few beers, so I headed home!
Earlier that day I had gone into the office for an hour or so where I made a few calls about condos on the beach that would accept dogs. Turns out there was only one advertised so I called them up and headed down to seven mile.
It was explained to me that the beach front properties on seven mile are not allowed to aaccept animals, so my only option was to look at the condos across the road (hardly the end of the world when you consider all you have to do is walk across a main road to the beach access, which is a 20m lane to the beach!).
Anyway, the condo is situated just behind a large supermarket that has a pub and a few restaurants (handy for falling home), and has its own private pool area and really well kept tennis courts, small gym, and barbecue area with wash and cook facilities by the pool which you can reserve for your guests.
The condo itself is slightly larger than the one I have at the moment, but the finish is much nicer, very clean and spacious, all the mod cons etc, walk in wardrobe up in the main room, decking area out the back for barbies.
So after a quick tour and some phone calls, its ours from the middle of next month for C$2600 (about the same in euros), which is OK considering my current place is 2K in not a great area, miles from the beach!
We can move in the Friday of the week that Jill arrives, which should also be the day that our stuff arrives off the slow boat from Ireland
Anyway, went snorkelling again after that before heading out for the beers.

Before I forget, I got a new Caymanian phone yesterday, so my new number is: +1345 322 9887

Went for a good run on the beach this morning, which sure as hell beats a tread mill! although its been a few weeks since I last ran, so it nearly killed me!
At least when you get wrecked you can just dive into the Caribbean to refresh yourself! Oh indeed, it is a hard life.
Enough of my ranting, the GAA finals kick off in just over an hour down at the local rugby grounds, so I'm off to start what will be no doubt a long day's drinking! Although considering all the pubs close on a Saturday at midnight it wont be too long!

Its the weekend!

Was out last night for a few scoops (only three euros a bottle during happy hour, and 3.50 after that, so nay bad!) in a waterfront bar with all the typical palm trees and coconuts effect, but as it was 5:30 on a Friday evening, it was a work croud and not touristy.
In fact, right beside the bar you can see where the local fisherman put up a stall every afternoon to sell their catch from that day. Best fish on the island I am told!
Anyway, ended up having about 8/9 bottles by 9:30pm, and was wreck tired, jet lag finally catching up on me with a few beers, so I headed home!
Earlier that day I had gone into the office for an hour or so where I made a few calls about condos on the beach that would accept dogs. Turns out there was only one advertised so I called them up and headed down to seven mile.
It was explained to me that the beach front properties on seven mile are not allowed to aaccept animals, so my only option was to look at the condos across the road (hardly the end of the world when you consider all you have to do is walk across a main road to the beach access, which is a 20m lane to the beach!).
Anyway, the condo is situated just behind a large supermarket that has a pub and a few restaurants (handy for falling home), and has its own private pool area and really well kept tennis courts, small gym, and barbecue area with wash and cook facilities by the pool which you can reserve for your guests.
The condo itself is slightly larger than the one I have at the moment, but the finish is much nicer, very clean and spacious, all the mod cons etc, walk in wardrobe up in the main room, decking area out the back for barbies.
So after a quick tour and some phone calls, its ours from the middle of next month for C$2600 (about the same in euros), which is OK considering my current place is 2K in not a great area, miles from the beach!
We can move in the Friday of the week that Jill arrives, which should also be the day that our stuff arrives off the slow boat from Ireland
Anyway, went snorkelling again after that before heading out for the beers.

Before I forget, I got a new Caymanian phone yesterday, so my new number is: +1345 322 9887

Went for a good run on the beach this morning, which sure as hell beats a tread mill! although its been a few weeks since I last ran, so it nearly killed me!
At least when you get wrecked you can just dive into the Caribbean to refresh yourself! Oh indeed, it is a hard life.
Enough of my ranting, the GAA finals kick off in just over an hour down at the local rugby grounds, so I'm off to start what will be no doubt a long day's drinking! Although considering all the pubs close on a Saturday at midnight it wont be too long!

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Day 2 (full day anyway) in the Caymans

Just back from snorkelling off Seven Mile Beach, absolutely gorgeous, fine white sand, beautiful water (check out the latest photos on flickr). Saw a sting ray only 5 metres out from the beach, and gorgeous big fish only 10 metres out. Going to check out the proper snorkelling spots tomorrow.
Feeling a lot more relaxed about the place now, have the jeep and know my way around a fair bit now. Also, picked up a new LCD last night, so have the Mini Mac all hooked up with my music, photos, and videos etc. This place is a lot cheaper than I thought aswell, if you know where to go.
Going to start looking for a new condo tomorrow when the classifieds are published, down on the beach I was on today. Place I'm in is fine, but need to be by the beach, thats what we're here for after all.
The boss showed me the photos of her home before and after the Hurricane two years ago, it really caused some damage! Reminiscent of the tsunami aftermath, although no one really died or anything here, looks worse than it was. Betty (the boss) was born and raised here and has never seen anything like it. All they ever get here is tropical storms (i.e. heavy rains and a bit windy). First proper hurricane, and hopefully the last! What are the chances?
Anyway, thats about it, heading home to chill out for the evening, practice my guitar (which we all know I need to do!) and make myself some dinner, fresh fish on the menu tonight, bought from the fishermen on the beach, you just cant beat that!
Anyway, will write again soon


Wednesday, June 21, 2006

First Full Day in the Caymans

Well I made it yesterday! Flight was grand, no major hassles, although was glad of the betterseats in Premium Economy, made all the difference! Arrived here at just after half three in the afternoon local time (we're six hours behind Dublin at the mo), and the humidity took me by surprise when I got off the plane. Lovely and sunny, 31 degrees, butin fairness you get fairly used to it. The new boss picked me up (eventually) from the airport and she drove me around and to the office to meet all the staff, who seem lovely. Then I dropped her off at her condo and tried to get the jeep going. Well sure I havent driven an automatic in years, so couldnt get it into drive. She had been watching me from her door, so came running down to tell me I needed to press the break, then she said she'd come with me to make sure I drove it fine. The woman's nerves were gone when we got back to my condo! They all drive around 20/25 mph here and think nothing of stopping their cars in the middle of the street to have a look at something. A bit too easy going for my liking, and not the way I drive! Needless to say she though it would be best to take the car off melast night to pick up today after I slept, so still waiting on it! The island from the sky is completely lined by beaches. In some ways the town is like any other tourist resort you would get in Europe, butI havent been to the beach yet. Our condo (I cant call it an apartment apparently) is lovely, a couple of mins from the main town and all the shops, but a bit away from the nicest of the beaches, so I'm going to ring around this week and find somewhere else on Seven Mile Beach, which is out of town (ie furtherfrom the office), but on the beach, and nearer to the best bars andrestaurants, gyms, etc. I reckon we dont actually need a house with a garden, the dogs would die in the heat outdoors during the mid day sun, everyone else leaves them indoors during the day to sleep, and just has them out and about all evening down by the water instead. I wont therefore get hooked up with the broadband until I find a newplace so will have to rely on this internet cafe every few days. I'll post some photos on the flickr site tomorrow or the next
Met up with Gav Tobin last night who showed me around the place before we went our for a few beers and a bit to eat. Great having a friendly face that you can get advice from.
He has pointed me in the right direction re: some essential basic shopping this week, getting a driver's licence, a bank account, and finding a new place to live etc.
He's playing himself in the local GAA finals on Saturday night, so will go out with his croud and hopefully get to know a few of the ex pats.
I'm probably not goinh to start work until Monday week, so will be able to spend some time with Graham and Ais when they arrive next Wednesday, doing the touristy things!
Anyway, will write again soon