Monday, August 28, 2006

All for nothing

Just a quick update to say all is fine, beautiful morning here in Cayman, the storm took a turn on Saturday night and is currently over Eastern Cuba, heading towards the Florida Keys.
Bit of a disappointment as we were all stocked up, but should be counting our blessings!
Charlotte arrives tomorrow and Rob and Brian arrive Friday, so delighted for all three of them that they wont be arriving in a Hurricane!

Friday, August 25, 2006

Ernesto is a coming!

Day 65 in the Big Brother

Well, its official, the first Hurricane of the season is on its way.
Tropical Storm Ernesto is expected to be Hurricane Ernesto when it hits the Caymans on Monday morning (afternoon back in Dublin). It will probably be no more than a Category 1 (wind speeds of between 75 and 110 mph), but sure enough the supermarkets were rammed today as people panic shopped for hurricane supplies, including us! So we now have our hurricane box fully stocked with food, water, batteries, lamps, matches, fuel etc etc etc. I think we could last a nuclear winter with what we have upstairs!
Its been an expensive week, after Daisy developed a choking kind of cough that had us worried. 700 euros of vet bills later has us shocked, and they're still not sure what is wrong with us, but as she is on 6 different types of meds, I think she is dosed up for every possible disease under the sun at this stage.
The thoughts of having to pay for a new car tomorrow for Jill has us planning a very very quiet weekend this weekend!!
Heading out now for some sushi, followed by a few bottles of vino on the couch!
Ernesto may be on the horizon, but instead of worried, we have to admit to being slightly excited at the thoughts of our first hurricane, mainly of course because it will (hopefully) be the mildest kind!! But having to issue alerts to all our 100 temp staff, and gather everyone's contact details in case of emergency is a sobering experience. Clients canceled interviews, IT training classes have been cancelled and the whole Island anxiously awaits Ernesto. Not the irish though who are stocking up on booze and planning parties for Sunday night in anticipation of a day off work on Monday. If you dont hear from us by Tuesday, we've been hit, send a boat!! Love J&J. BTW,we'll be sure to get some photos!

Sunday, August 20, 2006

Sore heads!

On the couch today, woke up at 1pm, the latest start here yet!. Sore heads today so we're not up to much. Going to sit here, watch a few movies, get some take out, and not worry about getting a tan this weekend!
It all started on Friday you see. I went out after work to the opening of some new bar/ restaurant in town, called The Bistro. Few glasses of champagne, some beer, then back to the house to walk the dogs and take a shower. Myself and Jill then went out to Fidels, one of local Irish boozers, for dinner. Top notch Beef & Guinness pie! We met up with Gav, Linda, and Cormac, and made our way into Sapphire, a cocktail bar beside Fidels that we were told was meant to be one of the top rated cocktail bars in the world. Its a square room with some nice furnishings, soft lighting, and a bar. I have seen better!
Anyway, the mojitos were pretty good, but the bar service was very slow as the bar staff were taking liberties with their flairing skills, so we decided it would be quicker for everyone to just order some champagne, as you do.
Then on to the Ritz where we met up with Sammy and Dennis, and bumped into Simon (he of the pools of sweat) and a few others. Good craic had by all, and needless to say that we were the last to leave. Decided to give the club a miss, and went on home.
Bit of a lazy day yesterday, did some shopping, went to the gym, etc etc.
Was feeling a bit tired ater Friday so we said we'd take it easy last night. The Triple Crown (another Irish bar) were having their first birthday party with a Karaoke night, the rugby club were having a School Disco night, and there were a few parties happening, so we said to hell with it, we'd just met up with Gav and Linda, get some food, and head home.
Meanwhile, a couple of people had called to say they were going to someone's birthday party in Ernestos, the cuban restaurant beside our house, so we said we might as well drop in for one drink on the way home at 10 oclock.
So we did, and eight hours later, we went to bed. Some long drink!
Ernestos was fairly busy, but teh bar staff were unreal, taking orders off everyone, then farting around behind the bar and serving no-one. We ordered the same round off four different people, and didnt get a drink for 45 minutes! Then slowly but surely, as the bar emptied out, the rest of our drinks began to come! So what are you going to do, you cant very well leave the there!
So then we decided to head on to a party with Debbie and Craig, as it was only up the road.
So back to ours for a quick drink, then on to the party down in Snug Harbour (up the road by the canal). When we arrived, we found everyone flocking towards us. Very friendly, we thought, until we realised that there was no drink left in the house, and ours was the only drink available. So we politely said hello and made sure not to let the drink out of sight. When all was drunk, we headed home, Craig and Debbie in tow to "ring a cab" from outs.
Anyway, several hours later, the sun was up, and eventually the cab was called. Daisy and Toby thought all their christmases had come at once with all the attention they were given by their new friends! Even when we woke at 1 today, Toby barely stirred from downstairs, and still looks like he is hungover!
A quick dip in the sea was required by the four of us, dogs included, and Jill has headed back to bed.
That, as they say, is that. No lounging on the beach this weekend. So much for taking it easy!
Have to pick someone up from the airport tonight, my fourth visit to the airport in one week! Had to pick up a lad from Ireland who took a job with us as a temp, thanks to Cep in Accreate, and then had to pick two Philippno accountants during the week who also joined us. Back tomorrow to pick up an Aussie couple. Just have to find jobs for them all now!
Have posted some new photos, including some from last weekend when we went to District 6 with Colleen and Elaine after Aqua Beach.
Have to bring my camera with me everywhere for the next week as I've to take some photos of "Cayman Life" for our new company web site, which hopefully will be up and running in the next two weeks, so I'll make sure to post them on Flickr in advance.
Few quick hellos, especially to Graham and Ais who celebrated their wedding anniversary this week! My sis is coming home from New York in two weeks, and no doubt will have left Ireland again by the time I get home for Christmas! Happy Birthday to Louise McCann (yes, that is her name now), who turns 30 today, and who is spending it in style down in Marbella; and to Baz who turns 30 on Tuesday. We're all getting old! Hello to Col and Ann who made us sick with jealousy by texting us from Snow Patrol in Marlay Park yesterday. If anyone was at Faithless during the week, let me know what it was like, and if anyone is going to see Radiohead or Daft Punk next week, I am very jealous.
Also, well done to Rob Chambers who became a dad this week with the addition of a new puppy to the Castlemitchell household, a jack russel that he has named Cooper, after the Red Mini Cooper that I am still trying to sell (thanks and praise to Jay who has to deal with all the time wasters who seem to be the only people calling about it).
And on a final note, congrats to Darren Clifford, who I havent seen in years, but I believe himself and Catriona had a baby boy this week.
Right, I'm definitely going now, ratfter!

Friday, August 18, 2006

Check this out

Was just sent this cool clip from YouTube, check it out.
Its not a bad song either, best to view with sound, if you can!


Saturday, August 12, 2006

The morning after

So ayway, out last night for a few drinks in Aqua Beach with Cormac, Gav, Elaine, Jim, Elaine, and Colleen.  There til the death, then on to District 6, the nightclub beside us.  We went for one, stayed for three, and then Jill told the whole club that they were invited back to ours for a party.  I quickly got us out of there.  A nice gesture, but we were both wrecked.  
So we got home to the dogs around 3:30am to find that they had killed a frog in the living room!  At least they're keeping the vermin at bay!  I didn even have to train them for that one!
Up this morn at 9:30am for a sobering walk on the beach and a swim.  Taking it easy tonight, gotta enjoy the weekend!
A big shout out to Alex Richardson (nee Moran)! who turns 29 today.  Happy Birthday Al!
Watch out for the Cayman Net News ( on Monday, as I have another fabulous article in the Business section. In fact I'll have one every week from now on.  They are that starved for news!!
Bought the paper one day last week and it was only 16 pages long!
Hopefully we'll have a quiet couple of weeks ahead as Robbie, Brian, and Charlotte arrive around the 30th, and Fiona and Joe called us last night to say that they're going to see if they can drop in to the Caymans the preceeding week on their way home from New York.  Hopefully it all works out well.
Micka and Tanya might also be dropping off in mid/late September, and the Carroll fella is still talking of a trip on the way back from Vegas.  Simon, if its any incentive, Aqua Beach on a Friday night is a meat market, as is District 6.  You'll fit right in! 

Thursday, August 10, 2006

On our way out

Just heading out to the local steak house for a bit to eat on my birthday!
Quiet one so far, but woke up this morning to plenty of cool gifts from her goodself: A new Thomas Pink Shirt, Al Gore's new book (yes, I am a bore), a really cool book on the Hurricane here 2 years ago, and best of all, silver cufflinks from Tiffanys!  Not bad for 29!
Anyway, thanks to all who mailed and texted me today with best wishes, especially the crew from Accreate!  Its good to hear from home on days like this.  My mum and siste Jen were particularly on the ball with their texts at 4:30 this morning, Cayman time!!
The wedding party to be were just great too, with not a single call, text, or mail from any of them, including my best man!!! We will be revising the invite list accordingly!
Anyway, had plans to go for a moon lit kayaking trip on Saturday but as there was 15 of us, we cant get a booking til September, so just going to go out on the rip in Aqua Beach tomorow.
Anyway, mu steak awaits, talk soon!

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Her Week

Her Week.....
Well I have safely returned from New York!! After a close call at the airport (problems with paper work etc) they eventually let me on the plane... with only 20 minutes to go! A hectic end to a hectic week!
After arriving last Saturday afternoon in blistering heat, I took a cab into the soho area to meet Fiona and Joe where we went for some food and beers before they both headed off to work. I settled in to the (gorgeous) apartment belonging to a friend of Fi's, got ready and headed out on my first night in New York. Off I wnt to Puck Fair, where Fiona works, and settled happily at a table beside Joe in the dj box. Fiona looked after me like the princess that I am, sending up drinks all night, as well as a fab dinner! Needless to say i consumed a lot of alcohol and the story goes that at six o' clock in the morning I was waving around a dollar bill looking for another drink before I fell off a bar stool!! Sore heads all round the next day, as although I went (or was sent to) bed at this stage, the others stayed drinking til 9.30 am!! So it was a quiet day on sunday followed by two days at the beach to try and escape the heat. Trust me to arrive in New York in the middle of the worst heatwave they have ever experienced!
Monday night we headed to one of the many fab parks to watch an outdoor movie followed by a trip to time square. What a place - so many lights and so much to take in!
Tuesday night Fi and i went to watch Joe dj while we drank jugs of sangria, in between going outside to try and catch a glimpse of Jude Law who was filming in a store next door!
Wednesday i went shopping around seaport where I was staying, followed by a harbour cruise. This was really cool as the captain invited me to sit in his cabin, which was air conditioned, cos i was the first person to go up on the deck! Even out on the water the heat was too intense.
Thursday was spent on 5th avenue shopping up a storm. Sacs, Jimmy Choo, Tiffany's and the apple store were all paid a visit, mostly just to look not spend!
That night I went out with Fiona's flatmate Dave, as she was working. Some of you may not appreciate this but we ended up in Bungalow 8, where the rope was pulled across for us and we skipped the line!!! Very cool! Even fewer of you will appreciate this but the only celeb I managed to see, or more to the point recognised, was 'Vince' from entourage. So I finally spotted a celeb! Of course, not knowing when to quit, I got home very late and woke up with an even sorer head than sunday morning. (with more bruises so I can only assume more falling off bar stools!)
Needless to say Friday was a very quiet day and I arrived home needing some R n' R yesterday, grateful to be back with Johnny and the dogs and in the slower pace of Cayman. Once i unpacked we headed out for some grub and then a lovely day at the beach followed by a drive across the Island to meet up with some friends for some dinner and drinks beside the water.... cayman living at its best! Many thanks to Fiona and Joe (who's great by the way!) for minding me so well, hopefully we can return the favour soon!