Sunday, September 24, 2006

30th Birthdays, Patients, and German Cuisine!

Well Orlando has left our shores, and life has returned to normal! ;)
We were well impressed to find him sitting in front of us last Friday in the Ritz, and sure enough the girls kept having to get up and walk in front of his table, and back again, and up again, and back again. I'm sure Orlando was as impressed as we were.
Sure enough we were the last to leave the Hotel Bar that night, resulting in some much needed sleep on Saturday!
On the beach later that day with the dogs we were able to see Orlando and his party on one of the balconies of the Ritz overlooking the water where we were swimming with the dogs as the sun set and a thunder storm rolled on by in the distance. Sure enough we had a quiet night in after that, and were never more glad to have had an alcohol free night when the phone rung at 8 oclock the next morning with some shocking news. Poor Charlotte, who has been staying with us for two weeks with the lads, had been admitted to hospital in critical condition with Bacterial Meningitis. Our thoughts were with Ned and Avril and everyone back in Athy as we waited on the news that eventually came early Monday to say she was going to be OK. Some end to your holiday in the Caribbean after having your camera chewed by our mutts, getting severely sunburnt, only to come back home and end up critical four days later. We wish Charlotte a speedy recovery!
This week was a busy week for TV here, with the new seasons of CSI, CSI Miami, Grey's Anatomy, and Desperate Housewives. Roll on Lost on Thursday week! Very sad I know, but you gotta love the TV!
Anyway, Jill taught her first full mainstream class this week, an opportunity she would never of had back home, and Baraud is on its way to having its best month in over two years. A good week in work for both of us.
Friday was Niall's 30th Birthday back home, which was celebrated last night in his house with all of our friends. We were never more homesick! Hope everyone had a great time, but by the sounds of things when we received a call from Dave last night, everyone was well on and the karaoke was in full swing. Happy 30th Niall!
We had our own 30th celebrations here for Gavin Tobin last night. A bus picked up 18 of us from the Hard Rock Cafe at 5:30 yesterday to bring us over to the East side of the island for a unique culinary experience! We were treated to a feast of food by a German chef who cooks you up a meal of his choice (no menu here) on his barbecue while you sit in his overgrown back garden, with candle lights, and a roaring log fire, drinking your own wine and beer as himself and his son serve up 5/6 courses of delicious food. At the end of it all, you contribute however much you think it was worth into the "donations" bowl. A visit to the bathroom was a trip as you walked through the garden, down the side of his house, up the stairs into his living room, through his office and into his bedroom where you were able to use the en-suite. Very unique but also a great night!
With plenty of wine and food in our bellies we made our way back into town to find most bars shutting. Sure enough Fidels, the Irish bar, was still serving, so we ordered a few rounds and eventually left an hour later after some Karaoke and dancing.
Jill invited the pub back to ours, and unlike what happens in Ireland, they all came!
A bus brought us all back and we raided the fridge of every beer and bottle of wine, listening to music, talking crap, and dancing until the neighbours eventually knocked on our door to complain, and the party began to wind down.
A late night and too much drinking led us to miss the Ryder Cup coverage this morning, aftr tuning in for the last two days. Very very annoyed that I missed it as it sounded like it was amazing. My bro Graham has been there for the last three days, along with Jill's mum who was marshalling, and Niall I belive was there all day Friday. To all of ye others who were there, hope you enjoyed it, and yes I am sick with envy!.
A few music and visual tips: Downloaded Scissor Sisters' new album, just OK, new Basement Jaxx album has some gems, but plenty of duds, Kasabian's album is very good, Kill Bill Soundtrack is one worth re-visiting. Watched United 93 and March of the Penquins. Interesting. I'd recommend Luck Number Slevin, lots of bad reviews, but its a god film with plenty of twists.
Last but not least, our flights are booked home for the 14th, in time for Gail and Ross's wedding. I leave on th 27th, Jill on the 28th, and we're back in July, Jill on the 8th, myself on the 13th, in time for our respective hen and stag nights the weekend before the wedding!
Countdown has begun in earnest, for what will hopefully be a great day. It wont be for lack of planning on Jill's behalf. Thanks to Simon for pulling two treats out of the bag this week regarding the wedding. You will all find out more next year!
Also, my potential return next month is now definitely off. Ah well, not long to go anyway.
Mick and Tanya may be coming in November, which will be brilliant, so come on the rest of you, there are plenty of more dates!!

Friday, September 15, 2006

Strife Skippy, there's a shark in the water!

So there I am walking the dogs this morning.  Its just after 6:30am, lovely sunrise, 30 degrees, but still cool enough to be comfortable.  Its a Friday, so the spririts are up, everyone on the beach in good form, when a guy jogs past and warns me to keep the dogs out of the water.  Why?  'Cos there's a 4 foot baby hammerhead shark just 15 metres from the shore, swimming along like no one is looking, minding his own business, just chilling as he cruises down the coast.  Two dorsal fins popping out, with a hige ripple following him.
Now thats what I'm talking about!
Orlando Bloom arrives in Cayman today for the premiere of his new film Haven tomorrow.  He's staying in the Ritz tonight, so thats where were off to now.  God bless Jill, she's still convinced that maybe he is the man for her.  Dave and Karen may need to talk to the Heritage about a refund for next year!!!!! 

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Mudslides, Jolly Roger, and more Mudslides...

Another busy week of eating out and entertaining. We decided on Thursday to get some dinner in George Town, so the 5 of us piled into the jeep and went in search of some food. Everywhere was pretty quiet so we settled on Harveys Grill. Nice food but way overpriced with portions too small. Lesson learned, so we bailed on to Coconut Joes (tackier tourist spot, but cool enough) where we found the island's nicest mudslides. So we sampled, and we sampled some more, and let Rob drive us home. Late night for a school night!
Friday night was a mad rush down to GT for 5:15 to board the Jolly Roger, an "authentic pirate ship that brings you across the bay and back", or in other words a booze cruise! 28 quid for all you can eat and drink for three hours. Great craic!
Afterwards we all went back to Reef Grill where we met up with the gang, and then on to the Ritz for champagne and cocktails. Needless to say we were all well on by then. Brian became "tired", Charlotte had the urge to dance, a lot ,and Jill jawed the ear off everyone she could find (or so she claims). I, of course, was no doubt very civil and polite and well behaved!
Back home at around 1:30 where the lads all decided to go swimming in the pool. Pool and drink= bad idea!
Yesterday we were all wrecked, so the most we got up to was some snorkelling, but we drove over to the other side of the island last night to meet up with a group of friends to go for a night kayak across the bay near Rum Point.
Apparently the bay here is one of only a handful of bays in the world that has natural all year round luminescence. Basically, everything glows in the dark! The fish, your oar, your hand in the water. Its pretty damn cool. Being able to see fish dart under the water, glowing bright yellow and green, is something to see. It was a 4 and half mile round trip in twin kayaks with 18 of us under the stars in thirty degree heat, with a comfortable breeze. A cool way to spend an alcohol free Saturday night. ( I only wish I knew about it when Graham and Ais were here. Hubb and Louise be prepared for some rowing!
We had a couple of drinks and some food out in Cayman Kai, where the kayaks leave from, and were home by 11:30, wrecked tired!
Anyway, off now to the beach to get some Waverunners and mess about. Planning a roast dinner tonight and will take it easy with a video.
All going to plan, we'll head for dinner tomorrow night in the Ritz, followed by a movie on the giant outdoor screen.
Is life good? Its not bad....
BTW, working on a deal in work that could possibly see me back in Ireland for a week or two. I'll say nothing til I know more!
For the rest of you who are still unsure about coming over, BA are having a flight sale if you travel before the end of March, two people can book for Cayman for between 1200 and 1300 euros (I assume Christmas is excluded). Orlando Bloom's new film is premiering here next Saturday night, which he filmed on the island last year. Check out the trailer for a taste of what Grand Cayman really looks like:
If that doesnt persuade you to book a flight, you'll never come!
See you in Cayman soon..

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Hurricanes, Boxes, Cars, and Visitors

After all our preparation last week and our excited anticipation of Hurricane Ernesto, we were let down with not even a rain shower!
Ernesto headed North towards the Florida Keys before disappearing into merely a Depression!
Cayman was spared once again and life returned to normal!
On Monday we finally got the call that we have been waiting 13 weeks for, our stuff arrived!!!
Turns out the 8 boxes were completely unneccesary but still, its great to have all of our picture frames etc. Also, I have my golf clubs at last so I can begin digging up the greens here!
Jill started work on Tuesday, preceeded by a "get to know you" night on Monday in Sunset House. Her work mates are all cool, very chilled out. She started on Tuesday morn and so far absolutely loves it, but more from her later.
We spent most evenings viewing cars, settling finally on a 4 door Civic (4 wheel drive for some reason) which I'll pick up tomorrow.
Charlotte arrived safe and sound on Tuesday evening, so we bought her down to Sunset House on Tues, Calico Jacks Beach Bar on Wedesday, and chez Campbell Chambers for Pizza on Thursday. Jill was complaining that Charlotte had a better tan after 2 days than she has got in 2 months!
The lads arrived on Friday night, but Brian's bags were missing (we got them Saturday though). After a run on the beach we all went down to Calico Jacks on Friday night, bumping into a big gang (Elaine, Jim, Cormac, Micheail, Sarah, Sweaty Simon, Campbell, and the Zimbabwean lads. Several buckets of beer later, we had all chilled into Cayman mode!
Saturday we headed over to Rum Point, bringing the thunder and rain with us, so we settled for Mudslides and Food in Over the Edge before heading on home.
We took it easy last night and headed to Eats Cafe for some food, where Brian was ID'd and ended up having to drink Sprite (very humorous). After we all ate far too much, we headed home to watch a video. I failed at that and went to bed at 10pm (some of us were up for work at 7:30am on Saturday so I was understabdably tired!!).
I was woken this morning at 7am by the dogs (as usual) looking to get out. It was gloriously sunny. I went back to bed. I was woken again at 11am by a massive thunderclap, looking out to see the pouring rain. Sure enough Brian and Charlotte were out by the pool where they had been all morning, and stayed out during the pouring rain (see Brian's pool dive from the piled deck chairs in Flickr).
It was sunny half an hour later so we headed off for our boat trip to Stingray City.
We packed the beer and food, slapped on the suntan, and headed out with a bunch of other tourists to 2 snorkel sites and the sandbar where the stingrays come to feed.
In the second snorkel site we managed to see two moray eels, and one nurse sharks. Pretty cool as they swam around us, being fed by the guys running the boat.
The sandbar was great craic with the stingrays as Jill burst into tears and jumped into my arms asking to be sent back to the boat after the first stingray swam by her, brushing her leg.
15 mins later she was holding the damn things!
After three hours of good craic we were home, playing tennis until another thunderstorm blew in.
Back on the couch now after a feast of chicken wings for dinner.
Good weekend, too short as usual, back to work for myself and Jill in the morning, whilst the lads continue their Caribbean holiday!