Saturday, August 18, 2007

Hurricane Update

Hurricane Dean is on course to be a direct hit Category 5 Hurricane (the most severe on the scale) early Monday morning GMT.
It is highly likely that electricity and telecoms will be knocked out for a few weeks, but in the event of emergency, please try the following contact numbers:

Johnny: +1 345 322 9887
Jill: +1 345 323 2861
Johnny's work: +1 345 945 1781

We will be staying in the offices of Baraud International, which are located in Cricket Square, Elgin Avenue, in George Town. Our office building is KPMG's office block.
It looks like we will be staying with the following people:
Declan Cassidy (+1 345 327 6060), Regina O'Connor, Jimmy Herlihy (+1 345 327 6041), James Kennedy (+1 345 526 2743), Caoire Kennedy, Claire Cawley (+1 345 525 5537).

Our house is on South Sound Road, about a mile from the Walkers Road turn, heading East. It is beside the water, so we dont expect it to fair too well, but afterwards, we hope to be able to return here, should it be structurally sounds. The address is No 4 Winter Haven, South Sound Road, and it is next door to Caribbean Paradise.

The dogs will be with us in Cricket Square, and we have have sedatives to send them to sleep during the storm.

Aside from all that, I think its important to note how bloody hungover I am! We went out to Mango Tree, a Caymanian bar near the airport, last night, where there was a DJ competition, fairly cool. Then on to Triple Crown and O Bar. Headed back to Murphs next door until 5:30 this morning. A good way to kick start the hurricane weekend! May be the last time we can drink in a proper bar for a few months, so you gotta do what you gotta do!

Hopefully, by Monday evening I will be deleting all this nonsense, embaressed for having gone to such lengths to make sure all our contact details were stored somewhere. If a Cat 5 hits the island, the place will be destroyed, but we are in a hurricane proofed building, and will be safe and sound. The island learnt its lesson with Ivan 3 years ago, and is as prepared as it can be. No contact from us does not mean anything bad, in fact, it can be expected, so dont worry.
I will update this blog as soon as we have internet access, rather than emailing anyone.

Meantime, lets have you Dean, come and have a go if you think youre hard enough!

Johnny and Jill

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